Can someone give me some advice as I am in a mess.
My lo is 32 weeks old and has silent reflux. Until recently we went through a few months where he would not drink much milk in the day and was only drinking 24 oz over 24 hrs. Now he has started drinking full bottles, thank goodness but he will only drink them when he is going to sleep. So he wakes and will not drink then has a little breakfast and a drink of water then a full bottle when he goes for his nap. The pattern then continues, a little food and water after he gets up and another bottle on his nap. He then drinks his bedtime milk. He has a DF at 10:30 pm but often doesn't drink much. He wakes between 4 am and 5 am and I have having to give him another bottle and he drinks 5 or 6 oz, I am only making 6 oz. I am not sure how to turn things around and stop the night feeds and make him eat more in the day. How much should he be drinking at this age? How many bottles should he have in 24 hrs?