Alon turned 1y last week and in the past few days we started having some problems with our EASY.
When he was 11 months old he started with one nap a day. We tried short AM, long PM nap, but it didn't work and when we tried 1 nap, all was well. He slept minimum of 1.5h, sometimes 2-2.5h and I thought that within time he will settle with the longer naps.
A few days ago he started napping for 1.15, 1.20h and that was always a sign for me to up A time. It usually takes us a few days, maybe a week till we hit the right A time.
This time though we keep on upping it and we are now on 6.40h A time. He has always been VERY VERY high with his A times. We increased to 6.40 from 5:45, but he still keeps on napping for 1.15h.
Now, what i am wondering is if I should keep increasing this A time till I hit the right one or now that he is older there is a different way of doing that. I am afraid that if we will keep upping the A time then his nap will be too late in the day. It's already at around 13:00 and if I want him to sleep 2h that will bring us to 15:00 and later than that will not be enough A time to BT. Am I going for a set nap at this age?
This bad nap effects our day in many aspects: we started having EW at 5AM, he is not taking solids well as he is always tired and BT is also very difficult.
Our EASY looks like this:
6:30 WU (on a good day. In a bad day he woke up at 5 and I try to settle till around 6)
13:10 Nap
14:30 WU
18:30 bath and in bed by 19 (tonight took 45min to settle)
He is taking 2 bottles a day, one in the morning (150ml) and the other at BT (270ml). He has another bottle before nap that we are weaning now (he was always fed to sleep, but I was happy with it because he is a kind of baby who wanted to be full for his naps, I didn't mind feeding as I knew that I could put him down without a feed, it would probably have taken me 10-15min of PD).
He has breakfast, lunch and supper and 2 snacks in between. He used to be a good eater, nowadays he leaves most of the food.