Lilisuze, I googled tot seat, and it looks like a product offered in the UK? Is there something like that in the US?
I also like the idea of a booster seat as some have suggested. DS's high chair is actually a 4-in-1 deal that came with a booster seat. Before he got the toddler table at Christmas, I thought about trying out the booster seat.
Oscar was still in the highchair until he broke it - due to his size and weight LOL!
Siobhain, this sounds like something that would eventually happen to my DS! He is already so big at 2! LOL!
Well, I decided to give the toddler table a try for lunch today....figured what could it hurt? I sat on the floor beside him the whole time because I was worried he may flip out of the chair. But, he did great! I thought he would try to get up and run around instead of eating, but he did not do that at all! Hmmm....just can't decide....