i just let my LO Cry it Out for the past 3 nights (i was sitting outside his room with the door wide open talking to him but did not go it to hold him, he could see me but would not stop crying) and when he woke up at night he cried but i didn't go, it lasted for under half a minute.
Now i can not go anywhere in the house. if he doesn't see me he cries. we had a play date today with 3 of his buddies and thier mom and i left the room for a minute. he cried so hard till i go back.\
he never ever cried after me ... i am so upset but i am sick and tired of being a prop for sleep... NOW WAHT DO I DO
Huge hugs hun... I have been there. Read this:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=211289.0It really does sound like you have broken his trust by doing CIO. You can regain it but I won't lie - it's not easy and it will take some major work. I had to do it and still worry over a year after I did CIO that I have lost DD's trust every now and then when she doesn't let me plop her to bed and walk away... We just went through the 15 month SA (it was crazy!) and I worried I had lost her trust daily for a couple of weeks!
This is what I would do to start to regain his trust:
1. no more co-sleeping. I know it sounds counterproductive, but I think it's confusing him more than anything.
2. If he allows it, AP him to sleep for naps and night time for a week. Rock him to sleep. This will reassure him that mommy is a safe place. I know it will be exhausting and you feel that you have no more of yourself to give, but remember - you broke his trust and you now have to get it back. Once I accepted this, it was far easier to do it
3. Once he is sleeping well with the AP for naps and BT (and NWing if he does wake)... start to use a GW to wean the AP rocking to sleep bit. Rock until drowsy then put him down... if he resists, pick him up and repeat. Once you get to the point that he stays down from sleepy.. start to put him down less drowsy and repeat the same method of picking up if needed. Eventually you get to a point that he is fairly awake when you put him down.
4. *This* is when you make the jump to putting him down awake but placing your hand on his back until he dozes... then once this is easier, start removing your hand sooner in the process.
5. Once he goes into the crib with your hand on his back and happily dozes off, start putting him down and just touching his back once and then removing it. Stay there until he dozes to sleep... start removing yourself from the room as this gets easier.
I know it sounds like this will take until the age of 8, but you might be surprised how quickly it goes once you start to regain his trust... some babies will go through entire steps in 1-2 days once they start to understand that Momma isn't going to abandon them anymore... my DD went through all of this in about 10 days time.
Please know that there are many moms who have been right where you are and feel completely beside themselves... I am one of them. Please also know that it will get better.