Well he was dry this am but up by 6:45 again. The overnight diapers did the trick, so it wasn't wet waking him today. He really crashes at 12:30 so not sure he could do 1pm....he has always had a longer A time in the end of the day as well. I could try pushing nap to 12:45 and may try that tomorrow, but then what if he wants to sleep till 3pm? I wonder if he would stay up later or if I need to wake him at 2:30 still to get an 8pm BT...I go to bed at 9pm, so want to keep my 1 hr to myself! I was really hoping it was teeth pain and it would go away. It still might I guess, but he has 3 or 4 still to pop through, so there is a month of teething still to go by my guess.