DS just turned 2 years old, and he STILL has no interest in using utensils! He CAN use a spoon...he just doesn't WANT to and is not at all interested! I tried to get him to use utensils maybe around 18 months or even a little earlier, and he just would not do it. I gave up trying awhile and figured he would do it when he wanted to. However, he never showed any interest on his own and is just content to let me do it. So, now sometimes I put his food in front of him and pretend I'm too busy to help (walk to kitchen and do other things....while peeking around corner at him!). If he thinks I'm not going to do it for him, he will pick up his spoon and start eating!
If your DS is showing no interest, just leave the spoon out on his tray and even just let him practice holding it or playing with it for awhile first and see if that helps!