Can I ask - it seems you have not done any sleep training with him - is that right?
I have done some sleep training with him but really only to get him to fall asleep independently since he has had all these belly issues that we finally resolved, I felt like I couldnt really sleep train properly.
If it were me I would move him into his own room first. That way you will probably both sleep better and you are also more likely to only go to him if he really needs you rather than hearing every snuffle etc - do you know what I mean?
Yes, I understand completely and it would probably help if when he does wake, he doesnt see me right away. I also worry he will get scared in a room by himself since he's so used to me being there......
Are you familiar with it?
Yes, I did read up on both the WI/WO and the GW. I may try one and if it doesnt work I will use the other....currently if I have problems with him going to sleep I do WI/WO but I never know when to go back in there.....he loves to pretend like he's in distress and then as soon as he sees me he stops. LOL
Could you also post your current routine so we can see if anything needs to be tweaked. You mention he is OT atm.
I am currently working very closely with clairebear to fix his routine. He is nearing the 2-1 transition and she believes if we get his day tweaked better he will sleep better at night making it easier for me to handle all this. Yesterday was our first day and he slept in his crib until 3am!! That is a huge success!!!
Here is the routine she suggested:
WU 7am
nap 1 10:30-12
nap 2 3:30-4:30
BT 8pm
how do you try to settle him now before you bring him to bed with you?
I usually lay him down and give him his binky and pat him for a little bit. Sometimes it works, others it last night when he woke up at 3am, I let him fuss for a little bit but he had enough night sleep that he wasnt going to go down without a fight. As soon as I laid him down he started screaming hysterically, so I just picked him up and put him in bed with me.

Thanks for all your help!! I really appreciate it!!