So I know they're all capable of STTN, however we've got some routine issues and developmental things going on and we're getting into an OT loop.
Sleep needs are incredibly low with the big girls needing maybe 11 hours and E needing maybe 12.5. Nobody naps, and on the weekends we go out and usually one or more of them will fall asleep in the van. And a half hour nap turns them all into insomniacs at bedtime and typically lasts from 730pm until 10pm

And then we get multiple NW's and an EW. I usually compensate the next night by putting them down a bit early and within two days we're sorted out. Until last night.
Our routine usually looks like this on a no-nap day:
Wake 645-715 girls, 715-730 E
Bedtime 715pm and asleep at 745pm girls, 630 and asleep 645pm E
Our routine when they fall asleep in the van is:
Wake 645-715 girls, 715-730 E
Crash nap in the van 1/2 hour
Bedtime 745pm and asleep 9-10 girls, 730 and asleep 830-9ish E
E is teething her second year molars which is giving more nw's than usual and D was up with a sore belly and threw up and J woke with a sore tummy. Needless to say we've all turned into bears today