Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 1105 times)

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Offline lilybug25

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What to do?
« on: February 07, 2012, 04:39:00 am »
After Alyssa(3.5 months) got better from her flu we were back on with her STTN, (seriously she would go to bed 7:30-8pm, Df at 10-10:30 and sleep till 6:30-7am) ;D I felt like a normal human being again THEN we had yet another growth spurt and now she is getting up all bloody night, feeding 2-3 times before 6am. She is taking her bottles fine during the day, not missing meals and DH even tried feeding her 5oz every 2.5 hrs on Sunday and she still got up to eat  ::)
She is not draining each and every bottle, just one or two in 24 hours this is her E:
7:00-5oz (she shorten up this last bottle to 2.5hrs every night)
7:30- 1oz (after bath, her top me up)
10:30-4 or 5oz DF
1am-3 to 5oz
So she is having anywhere from 40 to 42 oz in 24 hrs. SHould I just say F it, up bottles to 6 oz and try for 3.5 hrs in between or even 7oz each bottle. Would this stop these horrible night wakings for food?3am-3 to 5oz

Offline Lolly

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 09:38:06 am »
You can try doing bigger bottles at 3.5 hours, she may take more. How does she get to sleep, is she an independant sleeper or could she be using the feeds to get back to sleep in the night? Does she have a dummy/ paci?

How is her day time sleep?


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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 15:44:39 pm »
hi, looks like she is takinf 7 ozs in the night so should try splitting those ozs in the day instead.  when she is getting those ozs in the day you know at night she should not be hungry and can try other soothing at night.  she is getting close to the 4months/4 hour time so maybe she is ready to lengthen her feeds. 

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Offline lilybug25

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2012, 16:21:44 pm »
She takes a paci during the day but not at night, on sunday night she was waking every hr and I tried replugging with the paci and honestly I think thats why she kept waking up because she has never had her paci during the night. She is so not a indepent sleeper, I have to rock/hold her to sleep at every nap and every night, shh/patting has seemed to have lost it's affect on her and something is always happening with her to stop sleep training.
I will let her sleep as long as she likes this nap( since she is medicated and teething) and when she wakes up try to give her 6oz and go from there.