Ok, so this is our easy today:
wu at 4 - back asleep until 720 - bottle
8:30 solids
10:20 S (I usually change his diaper before nap, but today we were rushed so I didn't.. serves me right, he peed through it and woke up at 1125)
12:00 bottle
1:00 solids
2:25 Nap - I did wake to sleep because he's been waking at 25, 30 or 35 for the past 3 weeks. Everytime I've done w2s he wakes 20 minutes after I do it. SO, he woke up at 305
I shh patted him for 40 minutes which was done with him crying the whole time.. anytime he would look like he was falling back asleep, his head would pop up after 2 minutes. Finally I took him out of bed, and he was the happiest ever.. not tired looking at all.
I went into town after hoping he would maybe doze off in the car... nope, not at all!
So I put him to bed at 6, and he fell asleep at 620.
All day, he had 1,5 hours of sleep :S Luckily he got to bed early.. hopefully that helps with the nws.
Any advice? Is it possible that after his 1 hour nap he could have done a longer A time than 3 hours???