OMG Karen, I have just read the first 2 pages of this thread & I can't believe how similar your DS's eating issues are to those we are having with my DS atm.
He is 21.5 months & for the last 10 months or so has been incredibly picky. It has gradually gotten worse & worse, to the point where he will eat cereal (breakfast isn't a problem), bread, fruit and some meats/fish (eg sausage, homemade meatballs, chicken nuggets, fishfingers etc. The biggest problem is with his tea - he literally eats meat, and NOTHING else. He is completely refusing pasta, rice, cous cous, any form of potatoes (although chips would never be refused but I don't want to serve them). He refuses ALL vegetables/ The worst bit is that he won't even TRY the foods, he just point blank refuses. We keep falling into the trap of making him what we KNOW he will eat, but its so limited & I don't feel its healthy enough. MIL has same problems at her house but at nursery, DS will eat meals eg chicken casserole, sausage, potatoes & veg. Am wondering if this is peer pressure rather than anything else? But it shows that he does at least LIKE these foods.
We're trying to make more effort to make some new/different meals for him, but he is still refusing to eat & most days is going hungry. He constantly demands dessert & spends much of the evening having tantrums b.c he is hungry & we won;t give dessert if he hasn't had dinner. For the last 2 nights we are have tried positive reinforcement by saying 'you CAN have dessert IF you eat your dinner' rather than our usual 'no you can't have dessert because you didn't eat dinner' and he has tantrumed & cried (tonight was 1.5hrs) before he eventually said 'Ollie eat chicken & rice' & I reheated it & he ate. We were quite shocked he did it & we plan to follow through & keep saying the same thing, but I am still feeling a bit unsure if this is the right approach b/c I don't want to 'force' him to eat & I'm not sure if this still counts as bribing him?!
He is also MPI & it was interesting to read Mashi's comments that it seems to be common that picky eaters are often MPI. I have been at a complete loss as to what to do with him, & I'm so glad I found this thread because there seems to be some really great suggestions here. Thankyou!! I will be spending some time reading through in more detail but wondered Mashi if you would mind popping on & having a read of my thread too, as I'm not sure how much I can apply some of the tactics here with my DS being that bit younger.