Author Topic: 3 year boy suddenly fussy eater!!!!!  (Read 1294 times)

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3 year boy suddenly fussy eater!!!!!
« on: February 12, 2012, 19:02:52 pm »
hi my 3 year old boy has become such a fussy eater over the past 2-3 months. wont eat porrige, no veg of any kind, will eat fruit for ever. only will eat meat or chicken or fish at dinner but no veg at all. i try to keep him away from dairy because he gets rashes when he has any so i have him on some soya milk and goats milk yogurts which he eats no problem. maybe i'm making a mountain out of a mole hill? any advice would be really appreciated.

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Re: 3 year boy suddenly fussy eater!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 18:29:48 pm »
Mags, many LO's realise around this age that they are the sole controller of how much and what goes into their mouths, and so become picky about what they eat.  It is a learning and, to a certain degree, developmental, phase.  If you focus on this and make a big issue out of it, then the child will realise that they are getting attention (albeit negative) and keep going. 
Try your hardest to give the meals/snacks and let it roll off you if your DS doesn't eat any or all of it.  LO's will not genuinely starve themselves.  Once your DS realises that you won't offer alternatives then he should start to eat again.
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Re: 3 year boy suddenly fussy eater!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 13:42:26 pm »
There are a number of tricks you can try to get him to eat veggies- from as subtle as pretending broccoli stalks are "trees" to  the other extreme of completely hiding veggies in recipes, smoothies etc so they don't even know they are there.

But, personally, I think if he is eating balanced everywhere else and/or getting vitamins from other sources, you should just watch and observe for a while and see where it goes, while still trying to occasionally push the veggies.  At 3 years old, he is finally solidifying his likes and dislikes, and his taste buds are getting fully developed.  He's just like any other person, there are going to be things he loves and things he dislikes- period.  And those may not ever change.

LO's likes and dislikes in food do change over time, but it often happens much later in childhood.  Think back to yourself and all the examples of things you hated that you still have, or conversely, all the things you hated that you now love...