Hi all, I am really desperate and would very much appreciate your advice. DS is 21 months, we've had trouble getting him to sleep since birth to be honest, short naps, early wakings, night wakings etc etc. Anyway we were in a really good place about 6 months ago (we'd used walk in walk out and it had worked really well). Now its a totally different story. Basically he will go straight to sleep for everyone except me, he gets put into bed awake and goes off to sleep on his own without anyone in the room. Now, he will do this for me at bedtime although he does fuss a lot more for me and its always a bit touch and go as to whether he will start screaming as soon as I leave the room but the last few times I have put him to bed its been fine.
Naps are where the real problem lies, generally we 'happen' to be out in the car when he needs a nap and will then transfer him to his cot when we get home and he will continue to sleep there. I cannot get him to go to sleep in his cot. My husband and GPs can but he screams blue murder when I try it. I have tried walk in walk out again but he gets so worked up its actually quite scary and I cant keep it up as I feel like I'm just torturing him, I've tried sitting by the side of the cot but he just screams and roars at me until I give in. Today was a prime example, we have been up since 4.30 as he woke and wouldnt go back to sleep, he fell asleep in the car on our way back from playgroup at about 11am, but when I tried to put him in his cot he woke and immediately went mad screaming etc, so I thought I'd wait, give lunch and try again later, well as soon as I tried to put his grobag on he started going mad, I tried cuddling him, reading to him, sitting next to cot and he just screams 'cuddle mummy, cuddle mummy'then if I do pick him he screams 'out door, out door' and I mean really screams, if I let this go on too long he starts shaking his head and has even slapped himself.
This is really awful and I feel like I'm totally failing at this really vital part of parenting (not to mention all the other issues we're having with food), I feel totally inadequate as he just goes straight down to sleep for everyone else and they must think I'm really crap.
His 'normal' routine is below:
6am ish wake
7am breakfast
12 lunch
1pm ish (or whenever I can)nap for about 1.5/2hrs
2.30/3ish wake
5 dinner
7/7.30 bedtime
DH does most bedtimes so that he can spend some time with DS but I have been doing a few more just recently as I'm very aware of this problem and know that if I dont put him to bed it cant get any better can it?
He's also started waking early again, we had been getting 6.30 onwards wakings but for the last week he's struggled to even get to 6 with today being a pretty bad one at 4.30.
Any help and advice would be much appreciated, thanks!!