My 19 month old LO wakes up at night around 2am (last night it was nearer 3am) every night and is wide awake for at least 2 hours. I am at the end of my patience with what to do and all i think about are ways to make sleep better than it is. he has never slept well, but its been 19 months now and i am suffering big time, mentally and physically!
He starts off with a few little waking sounds and within no time at all he is wide awake, chattering away in his cot. I can leave him for a while, but then he seems to want to be back asleep but is too awake i think. Then he cries. I've tried sleeping in there with him, rubbing his back, then just talking to him then withdrawing to my room and going in still to settle him. I've tried going straight away to try and get him back to sleep before he is WIDE awake, leaving him to see if he will go back to sleep but nothing works!! Last week i just gave on and started bringing him into bed and he would sleep for an hour or so, then i woould put him back in his cot, but he would wake after an hour and the whole thing would start again. generally he won;t sleep on me anyway and does really prefer to be in his cot.
I am baffled and sleep is all i think about and worry about and try and find solutions too...i'm literally going insane!
The one thing i havent tried is wake to sleep. Purely cos i am scared too!!
I am worried about waking him up and then making his waking hours even longer!! I am getting so stressed out with it all now. Do you think WTS could work in this situation? i really don't know what else to do. People keep saying, he will get there i th end, but how long do i have to wait....sleep deprivation is so hard on everything in the rest of your life.
This his Schedule..
7am - wake
7.30 - breakfast/Milk
11-11.30 - Lunch
12-1.30/2.00 - sleep
3pm - snack
5pm - Dinner
...depending on how tired he seems early evening...
6 or 6.20 - Milk
6.30 or 6.50 - Bath
7 or 7.15 - Bed
Hope someone can help a bit....
ETS- He goes to sleep perfectly nearly every night on his own, so i know he can self settle and go to sleep on his own...but he just doesn't seem able to do this as he moves into his second half of sleep at night!!