At 14 months she might be able to speak and ask soon. That said, when my son is hungry, if he's reeeeally hungry at 21 months it's tantrum time. He's recently recovered from a stomach bug and yesterday he was so grouchy. It was only after a huuuge meltdown that I realised he was hungry. He knows the words: milk, lunch, food, bread, toast, drink, breakfast, tea, pasta, banana, raisins, apple, grapes, orange, pear, etc. etc. but did he ask for any of these? No. I think it's just a 'joy' of toddlers that some of them have personalities whereby when they really want something they get so upset they forget to communicate it and sometimes he's too busy to ask until he's way past being ready. This is why I stick to a routine because it then anticipates his needs and I'm offering and then he can chose to accept or refuse. It just got thrown off course yesterday.