Any advice would be great. 1 year old was sleeping from 7.30-7 ish most nights. Now the last week is starting to wake at ten or 11 for up to three hours. Crying hard then laughing then crying try keep putting her back to her cot, then put hand on chest tell her she tired, etc, this can go on for hours before she finally gives up and goes to sleep.
Her Routine during day, wakes at 7am beakfast, snack at ten, dinner at 12, Bed at 12.30-2.30, Snack at 2.30,tea at 4pm, then 6.45 wheatabix and 6 oz bottle at 7.15. She changed to whole milk about two weeks ago. Is she sleeping to little, to much daily?
Really need help im pregnant and really need her to sleep thru again.
Thanks M