Until recently DS has loved eating solids and has almost always been willing to try new foods. We never force him to eat, although we sometimes have to be creative to get him to start eating but he usually eats on his own and feeds himself mostly. It seems like his new way of asserting his independence is to throw food on the floor. He does this with all foods, even foods that he likes. With cheerios for example, he will eat a bunch, but also throw a bunch on the floor, and I can tell that he is doing it to see my reaction. I have been ignoring it until now, but every time I try to give him a new food , he throws every single piece on the floor!
Should I keep ignoring it, and keep offering new foods. I know people say you are supposed to remove the baby from the highchair if he is throwing food on the floor, but if I did that, he would never eat. I am trying to teachi him to put unwanted foods in the cupholder of his tray, but he's not really getting it yet...Any ideas appreciated! TIA