He can sometimes be super cranky with no nap, and other days like today be a trooper! - he is spirited Wendy, and a bit touchy as well, with a dash of angel - yes he does keep me guessing

I think part of me can't let go of the nap, god knows I worked real hard to get here, and of course am afraid I won't always be able to do a 06.30 ish bedtime, with my schedule. He is becoming more and more reluctant to go to sleep, naps, bedtime anything and keeps nagging that he doesn't want to sleep, but as soon as he's in his bad he's off in a blink of an eye, he just gets too caught up, and I'm sure this happens at school.
I will try waking him up a bit earlier, so that maybe he's tired enough at nap time, although I'm worried they might be dropping naps of the whole class, in which case I'll be kissing naps goodbye!
We'll see, and good luck Wendy