WRT nap - when I pushed DS's nap later we shifted it 1.5hrs later in 15min increments so it took around 6 weeks in total. During that time we had some pretty short naps b/c he got OT from the really long A time in the morning. Some days were 1.5hrs, but some were 45min-1hr 10. I have to say it was quite brutal & a tough old few weeks to get through b/c he was very very tired, but I stuck with the naptime & BT religiously (only doing slightly earlier BT if he short napped) & it truly did reset his bodyclock. It may just take a bit of time.
However, if you feel she is struggling with the long day, esp while she is doing a 1.5hr nap, you could always pull BT back a touch to 6.30/6.45pm & see if her night lengthens.
If you do get a 2hr nap though I would be wary of shortening the 2nd A too much. As despite her being tired from the long day, you will end up with her not being tired enough to sleep a long night. So I would keep it as near to 5hrs as you can.
ETA: oh & WRT the NW at 11pm & whether they might be OT - IME OT NW's usually happen in the first few hours after BT, & again in the early hours. So I suppose an 11pm NW *may* be OT, but it may also be related to her sleeping your bed/needing help to go to sleep. If you are doing GW, hopefully that will eliminate the latter as the cause.