Hi hun
I'd say if you get a short nap do EBT, if you get a long nap of 2hrs (I think I would cap at 2hrs though) then go for more like 7ish.
WRT the BT difficulties, when you say she is wired, this does make me think OT. If DS is OT we get similar behaviour, charging around, headbutting things, spinning in circles, and he will moan/chat for ages. Whereas if he's UT he will go up pretty easily but then chat & sing for ages. So I think if the nap stays short, then you definitely need to be bringing that BT earlier b/c her day is just so long.
WRT changing up the routine - its hard to say whether the 'naked play' may let her burn off her energy, or whether it may just serve to wind her up more. If she is already OT/OS then I would think it might wind her up/excite her more. Maybe Bex has some thoughts on this

If it helps, our evenings go like this (assuming he is having his usual 7.30pm BT). Tea at 5pm, then we play for a while in the garden or go for a walk/bike ride. Back in the house at 6.15/6.30 & CBeebies BT hour goes on & we do some calmer activities like colouring. (Not sure TV is such a good idea though!). On bath night, at 6.40pm we go upstairs, run his bath & he baths until 7pm. Then its into PJ's, down for a bottle, read a story, & back up & into bed for 7.20pm. On non bath nights we start BT routine at 7pm & do wash, change into PJ's bottle, story, nappy change & bed for 7.20pm. So our WD is actually pretty short. DS seems to like it like this & it gives him the maximum amount of time to play & burn off his energy before we start winding down for BT. I found in the past when we started calming things down too early he got more revved up b/c he was like 'hey - why can't I carry on playing I'm not tired yet!' IYSWIM?