Clairebear: That's great that you know what's working. I'm still in the dark really.
Yesterday she only slept for 1 1/2 hours, BT 7.30, we had a NW of an hour 3-4 (she just wouldn't settle, even in our bed) and up at 6am.
Today she slept 12.15-2.15 (she was tired from the long NW so I let her have 2 hours)
BT 7.30, she did well actually and I'm gradually doing less to help her. It's taking about 30 mins for her to go to sleep. She never goes to sleep before 7.30 no matter what we do, unless she hasn't slept all day. So we'll see how tonight goes!
Bex: Yes, she's going to sleep in her cot either holding my hand or with my hand on her back. Yes, she sits up, stands up, thrashes around, kicks the cot sides, she only calms down when she's got some contact with me. Tonight, I had my hand just inside the cot, sitting next to her cot and she held it until she went to sleep