Honey we had something very similar last night so I have to say I'm doubting myself & my words of wisdom right now. Our weekend went:
Wake: 6.10am (10.5hr night which followed a longer nap of 1h 55mins yesterday)
Nap: 12.15-2.00 (I did an early nap b/c I thought he might struggle given the short night)
BT: 7.00 (early bedtime to make the day shorter & hopefully enable him to catch up)
Wake: 7am (yay 12hr catch up night!)
Nap: 12.45-2.30 (I decided to push his nap 15mins later from its usual 12.30 to get us back to a 7.30pm BT. CO 55mins & was inconsolable for an hour when I woke him)
BT: 7.25 (asleep very quickly)
Wake: 6.55
Nap: 12.45-2.30 (at nursery. They said he was the happiest he's ever been while he was there today)
BT: 7.55 (put down at 7.20 as usual but we both agreed he didnt seem to be tired. He chattered away til 7.55.)
NW: 10, 11, 11.30, 1.15, 4.50, all brief cryouts which is typical OT for DS
And we got a 5.40am EW this morning. Only 9h 45 sleep. Ugh! Im not sure if DS was OT all day yesterday, or whether 2-3 days of long nights have meant he wasn't tired enough for bed last night, but was then OT by the time he settled, causing the EW.
I don't suppose I'm giving you much help or any answers here, but I just want to know you're not alone! We can struggle through this together!
DS is at MIL's house today & she'll be determined to give him his usual naptime but I think he'll struggle. So I'm going to ask her to do an early nap at 12pm & I am still wavering over whether to do 2hrs (in which case I think he'll still need a 7.30pm BT which makes for a pretty long day) OR whether to still cap the nap, and do a much earlier BT of 6.45/7pm to keep his day shorter.
So a slightly earlier nap would be an option today, as would a slightly longer one. I still wonder if your DD might need a shorter A to BT after the capped nap, or we could both be in the same boat & need to cap our LO's naps even shorter. Its a scary prospect when they are getting so little at night though isn't it?