Yay for the later WU!!!!
We're also having some issues with my DS taking a while to settle at BT & I too am feeling lost!, We've been doing
Wake 7am
Nap: 1-2.30
BT: 7.30
I've been keeping A time to BT at 5hrs, however I am debating whether this may even be too long as he is taking ages to go over & then today he was stirring from 5am onwards & up at 6.30am. I am thinking of trying either a 4.5hr A time to BT (since we are already doing 6hrs in the AM) or I will pull the nap back to 12.30pm & do a 5hr A to BT at 7pm, or I have to consider capping the nap more. Its a scary prospect that they can go from a 2hr nap to a 1hr nap literally overnight though, right?!
Could you try an earlier BT first, in case she's OT? Since she's yawning, chatting then getting upset, it sounds more like OT than UT. How is she during the day? Happy? Does she seem tired at all? I'd say if earlier BT at say 7pm doesn't do the trick (give it a few days), then I would say the next step would be to cap the nap further.