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shorter naps and night time crib parties
« on: March 07, 2012, 08:31:00 am »
OK, I've been holding off from posting because DS was poorly and I wanted to see if I could work this out myself, but he appears well now and last night baffled me so much that that I have no idea which way to go from here.
Would really appreciate some advice.

Almost 14 months.  Been on one nap since about 11.5/12 months.  When he moved to one nap it went quite short and we had EBT and a 12 or 13 hr night (pre 2-1 always 10.5 to 11hr night) but the nap seemed to lengthen as he settled into the routine and teething/illness aside he seemed relatively ok with his sleep.

The difficulties are these:
1. Pre-midnight WUs - been getting for a while but last night was a pre-midnight crib party.
I can see on the whole the early eve WUs are due to illness and teething causing some pain WUs between BT and midnight.  I also suspected those WUs could be OT because his one nap has reduced in length (generally he is quick to resettle if not then it's lots of pain/illness and takes longer but it still isn't LONG).  But last night rather than a sudden scream and very upset WU he had a crib party for around 1.5hrs.  He spent some of this mantra-ing and trying to get back to sleep but escalated to an attention cry and when I went to him he was briefly upset but then playful.  Spent some time kind of switching between playful and a bit upset, didn't want me to leave but I wasn't going to stay for a party so did some verbal reassurance and WI/WO which he was ok with although still not sleeping.
So, can anyone enlighten me on this sort of WU.  He seemed UT, is it possible?

2. Recently early wakings, any time between 3am and 5am for up to 1.5hrs.  If he's mantra-ing I leave him.  If it goes on a long time or escalates into a call for attention I can sometimes resettle verbally or with a light touch ('lie down and go to sleep'), and he will really try to go to sleep.  Usually he will go back to sleep and wake for the day at 7am.
Last night he woke at 5am, eventually back to sleep but then woke for the day at 6.40 which is out of the ordinary.

3. Naps are often broken at 1hr 5 or 1hr 15.  If he's happy I get him up.  If he's miserable I extend.
I'm aiming for a first A of 5hr 30 (we started at 4hr 30 at the 2-1, 1.5 to 2hr nap and 13 hr night).  I took the A up because he wasn't going down well for his nap, UT, playful, unable to sleep even when he was really trying, waking at 45 min.
The A is variable though because we go to three groups per week and he can nod off during the drive home which is more like 4hr 30.  There's no way he'd nap at 4hr 30 at home, it's only with the higher level stimulation followed by the lull of the car that sends him off.
I'm thinking the 1hr 5 naps are his new length sleep cycle - do you think?  I sometimes hear him transition (or wake) at 45 min but more often at 1hr 5.
I'm also thinking maybe I shouldn't be trying to extend these as it doesn't seem to be helping his night and he might do better with the shorter nap and longer night?

He looks tired today and I suppose I'm so confused by last night, the pre-midnight crib party, the 5am crib party then the early wake up.

Gosh - really sorry for the long post. Any thoughts?

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 14:10:32 pm »

How long have you been doing the 5h 30 A time & have you moved to that gradually or jumped to it quickly?  What A time to BT are you doing?  Can you post a typical day's EASY?

TBH I'd say if he's generally only having a 1h 5 - 1h 15 nap then he's unlikely to be UT at night.  That's a pretty short nap for his age & I'd say he likely needs a bit more day sleep.  For us, a nap of that length was usually OT (DS also started 1 nap days at 12 months).

For us NW between BT & midnight are usually OT, as is early morning restlessness & EW.  We don't tend to get long crib parties with OT though, he usually just cries out & then resettles.  So that has foxed me a bit as usually long crib parties = UT.  I am doubtful that would be the cause here though - if he was napping 3hrs then maybe but with a 1hr nap unlikely. 

You mention teething - is he getting some new teeth atm & which ones?  We found teething NW's would usually happen between 2-4am & he would be quite upset.

When he wakes at the 1h 5/15 mark during his nap, do you wait to see if he'll resettle by himself?  And if he's miserable, how do you extend?  Are you APing?  Is he a completely independent sleeper?

IIWM I would first of all rule out OT by pulling that AM A time back a bit, to 5h 15 or even 5hrs, and see if his nap extends.  If he isn't going down easily before 5.5hrs, then we may have to look at his A time to BT & see if its too long/too short, but don't want to make suggestions on that yet since I don't know what it is!


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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 23:03:19 pm »
Thank you for your reply Claire, I appreciate your time x

I'll answer your questions, although concerned it may end up another long post - sorry!

How long have you been doing the 5h 30 A time
He basically did this himself by not falling asleep during the 10 min drive on the way home from toddler group (for the last few months I've been able to lift him from the car seat, carry him in asleep and put him down in his cot, he wakes enough to know what's going on and is glad to get to his cot) For example:
WU 7
group 9.30/10 - 11.00/11.30
car journey 11.05/11.35 for 10 mins - he can fall to sleep within 1 min of being in the car so could/has had A as low as 4hrs, or 4hrs 30 but if he doesn't fall asleep in the car then I consider him really not tired and on those days I could see he was really not ready for a nap yet, or he's protested as UT when I've taken him up for his nap. 
There are still days he does fall asleep in the car on the way back, so has a shorter A.  He can also fall asleep for a power nap of 5 to 10 mins on the way there which is only 2.5 hr A, I don't really count this as a real nap but it makes his overall A from WU to nap longer.
Also had for example a no-car-nap then A ended at 5hr 15 and only a 45 min nap, happy wake up, certainly not going back to sleep and happy for the rest of the day.

moved to that gradually or jumped to it quickly?
He could still have a 4hr 30 A if he wanted, and occasionally does.  There seems no pattern to when he does or doesn't fall asleep in the car and when we are not at group the A needs to be longer because has a lower level stimulation and he protests as UT it I take him up too soon (or goes to sleep well but wakes 1hr 5 happy).

A time to BT
As low as 4hr 20 up to 5hr 20 ish.
Depending on what time morning WU was, how long his nap was, what time and what his mood is like.

I know it's a real pain but I haven't got a consistent enough EASY to post (one of the many reasons I have held off posting but after last night which totally baffled me I flet I needed to post even without a consistent EASY).  The 3 days he may or may not fall asleep in the car going to group or coming home from group throw a spanner in the works pf getting a consistent EASY, and whether I can extend his nap or not.
Something like
WU 7am
A between 4hr 30 and 5hr 30 (he won't do as short as 4hr 30 at home)
S 1hr 5 up to 2hr
A 4hr 20 to 5hr 20
BT 7pm

We don't tend to get long crib parties with OT though, he usually just cries out & then resettles.
Yes, same here.  With pain or OT it's a scream out and either resettles himself very quickly, or I go to him and he will settle very quickly, just a phrase and a touch, possibly a brief pick up but only for a minute then he wants to be put down so he can sleep.
When we first moved to 1 nap I was extending the nap because his lovely 2hr nap went OT short and he'd wake upset so I helped him sleep more, BUT I worked out that the more I extended the longer the crib parties were (after midnight, long playful periods of up to 2hrs), when I stopped extending he short napped but the crib parties stopped and he got a full 13hr night and over a period of time the nap went back up to 2hrs.
What baffles me are the crib parties coming back (post midnight) then this new pre-midnight playful crib party - I'm totally lost with it, esp with those shorter than regular naps.

You mention teething
He cut about 3 weeks back and I just don't even think about NWs or anything when I know he has that kind of pain.  The teeth (top, second pair of incisors) are still moving though.  Plus possible movement of molars, his gums are looking white there.  He doesn't appear to be in great pain or too much trouble atm.  I'm medicating before nap and BT for the discomfort of movement though.
The post-midnight long periods of wakefulness aren't pain, there's no crying no screaming.  The first I'm aware of it I hear either a mantra or a kind of 'I'm up it's morning' alert/shout.  He might resettle alone after 1.5hr of mantra and play/chat.  Anything that escalates is more shouting to get up with increasing frustration, there isn't crying or upset from pain.

When he wakes at the 1h 5/15 mark during his nap, do you wait to see if he'll resettle by himself?
Yes if I hear him just transitioning but mostly it isn't a transition noise it's either a slow peaceful wake up then a chat then an alert that he's ready to get up and then a level 2 (Hey come get me I'm ready to play!) OR it's a sudden upset/scream/cry so I'm into action immediately to get up there.  If the scream stops as suddenly as it starts I pause outside his room to see what happens (sometimes at night he'll be asleep again by the time I've got upstairs so it's just a sudden scream then sleep) but generally he is properly crying and I go to him.
if he's miserable, how do you extend?
I tell him something like 'It's ok I'm here, lie down and go back to sleep now' I might put a hand on him lightly for comfort and this encourages him to lay down (he might just lay down and try to sleep, he might turn towards me looking for a rub on his back to comfort a little then just snuggle down and I can tell I can leave him), he might sit up again.  I also ask if he wants a cuddle (not always wanted because he wants to be asleep and that happens in his cot) and he'll raise his arms a little if he does, he might be crying or fussing but not all out screaming, just miserable that he's awake and still tired.  Usually it's a very brief cuddle, and I'll say something like 'you're still tired, you need another sleep' then after the cuddle, 'I'm putting you back in your cot so you can sleep' and he does a little wriggle that says that's what he wants (kind of starts turning towards the cot to ready himself for laying down).  And that's basically it, although if he's finding it hard to sleep I'll give him a rub or leave a hand on him for a bit to keep him relaxed, I might even stay until full sleep.  He's been independent since for-ever so I have no worries of helping him if/when he wants it.  I'm only in there about 2 or 3 mins max.

Are you APing?
Almost impossible.  I haven't been able to AP since he was maybe a couple of months and even then only in the sling, out of the house, walking around town.  Basically impossible to AP other than that (but he will have car naps - who could resist?)
If we have a super super bad nap day, say he takes the ten min car nap then wakes when I bring him in then refuses any normal nap all day, or if he skipped a nap due to illness, well then I can spend 30 mins holding dancing and with a certain CD of music on and this will get him to sleep on me, it's a really bad restless sleep and only for about 40 mins.  It's very very rare.

Is he a completely independent sleeper?

I would first of all rule out OT by pulling that AM A time back a bit, to 5h 15 or even 5hrs, and see if his nap extends.
Will do.  When I was aiming for 5hrs rather than him snuggling in for his wind down song/cuddle and getting sleepy then turning to snuggle down in his cot and go to sleep he was more awake and alert when I was holding him, looking around, looking at me, trying to play etc.  When I began to extend the wind down (tell him it's time to relax and go to sleep then repeat song) he just wriggled to indicate he wanted putting down in his cot.  So I put him down and he lay, sat, scooted around and chatted.  Seemed kind of odd to me as he is usually nice and sleepy after wind down but he was happy sop I just left him to it.  It took another 25 mins before he went to sleep so his A ended up 5hr 25.  That's part of the reason for shifting his A longer.

I'll take it back to 5hrs A and see how we go.
If anything else catches your eye with all this rambling info then I'd be interested to hear.

Again thanks

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 23:37:26 pm »
Creations, I am wondering if he isnt tired enough to fall asleep in the car now, but still needs his nap pretty close to after that, ie 5hr A time sleep, not WD? What I found with Z is that once we were firmly on 1 nap his A times dropped back a touch from being quite long, he was up to 5.5 then dropped back to 4.5 for a few months and now we are at 5. Im not sure why this is but maybe cumulated OT starts to get them.

Once Z his 1yr his OT/UT signs changed too! I thought he was UT and we were having BT chatting for ages, eventually I realised it was actually OT and after a few EBT it all stopped and he slept longer and sounder at night. THis may not be the case for you, but it stumped me so maybe something to think about.

The only other thing I can poss think about is that when we get WU at 1hr5, or 1hr 15 it is always pain, and if I medicate before a nap if I suspect pain he never stirs at this time. You may want to try medicating before his nap to see if it helps, sometimes teething pain can wake them when in light sleep KWIM?

HUGS - I never thought I would find this age so tough with sleep, everything changes! ::) x


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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2012, 09:34:15 am »
Thank you for your input Sara.  Very much appreciated.

I'm certainly going to try for 5hr A time as of today. I think really I've mostly been trying for that anyway but it's been either short because he sometimes starts the nap in the car, or long because he doesn't nap in the car and then delays his S time by either protesting when I take him up or being happy to be put down but then running around the cot and chatting for 25 mins (on his own).
The protesting at nap time is really unusual for DS he's always been great at going down (I used to even do UT naps before a swim class because the wind down was so strong a cue he'd go to sleep anyway), at times I've worked out reasons for the protest (afterwards), need to poop for example.

What I found with Z is that once we were firmly on 1 nap his A times dropped back a touch from being quite long, he was up to 5.5 then dropped back to 4.5 for a few months and now we are at 5. Im not sure why this is but maybe cumulated OT starts to get them.
We have had this too so although I don't totally understand it I know what you mean.  I did drop back to 4.5hr and for a while it appeared we could aim for 4.5hr both sides of the nap, 2hr nap, 13 hr night.

Although he isn't in major pain from cutting teeth I'm still medicating before nap and BT to cover the discomfort of moving teeth (the ones that have already cut) and possible molar movement.  It might still be pain waking him at the 1hr 5 but I can't medicate more than I am doing.  His discomfort atm is not so much that he needs meds during A time iyswim, only at sleep times.

I know our routine is inconsistent these days but the toddler groups are so important to us that I'd rather risk a bit of inconsistency than miss them.  They are at an ideal time really and I couldn't ask for them to fit with a one nap EASY any closer, so we are really lucky in that sense.

I generally don't judge anything on one day of EASY, but yesterday he napped in the car at 5hr (following that very disturbed night sleep and EW he was far more tired than he would have been on a full nights sleep.  I think his night added up to around 8.5 or 9hrs only), stirred when I brought him in (coat and shoes off and into cot) then woke at 45 min, I resettled quickly, then a further 1hr 5 and he was totally refreshed and joyous :)
A 5hr
S 45min plus 1hr 5
A 5hr 20
night 7hr 25
His early eve WUs still happened, scream outs but all of them were brief and self settled, no need for my help.  No crib party all night either and he even slept in for an extra 20 min in the morning.
If we could do that every day then brilliant, but I think it's only following such a terrible S the night before.

Anyone know about the sleep cycle length at this point?  I think Tracy said at 6-9 months it has become like an adults (1.5hr), other places I've read that it's adult length by school age.  Sometimes I think DS's cycle is now 1hr 5min but then he'll stump me by doing a 45 min nap and wake happily refreshed.

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2012, 13:27:57 pm »

The car can do funny things to these LO's!  My DS is the same in that he can fall asleep in the car after a much shorter A than usual, although he's now at an age where it would be pretty rare unless he was poorly or we are driving very close to naptime.  We go to a playgroup which is only a 5-10min drive away & it finishes at 11am & even now, I sometimes have to do whatever I can to keep him awake on the journey home e.g. sing to him, play loud music, tickle/jiggle his foot.  I don't like to, but if he naps in the car he never ever sleeps for as long as he would in the cot.   So its better for us both if I do.  Is that something you could do in order to keep him awake?  Or perhaps just leave 10mins early from your group?

I've also found with O that as he's got older I've had to adapt his WD routine quite a bit from what we used to do as a baby.  We used to have a lot more snuggles & I'd probably do it in his room, in the dark, whereas now, we play as normal pretty much right up to 10mins before I want him asleep.  Then I say, right its naptime now so lets read a story, I let him choose one, we sit & read it & I take him straight up, pop him in his sleeping bag & leave the room right away.  I found if I try to hold him for too long he will get cross & try & wriggle away.  And if I stay in the room I am just a distraction to him.

Like Sara, I have also found his OT/UT signs have changed as he's become a toddler.  We had a long spell where we never ever got eye rubbing or yawning so I was sure he wasn't tired & kept him up a bit longer so he was doing 5.5-6hr A's & when I put him in bed he would charge from one end of the cot to the other like a madman, bouncing & shouting.  He was wild.  And as it turns out, OT.  Its a very subtle change & often hard to catch as it starts to happen, but as he gets OT he starts to get more excitable, and a bit loopy or 'wired' & can appear to the untrained eye like he isn't tired at all.  I'm not saying this is the case with your LO of course, but always something to bear in mind.

I wonder if its at all possible for you to try & keep with the same AM A time for a week or 2 (whilst still going to your groups of course but doing your utmost to keep him from napping in the car!), & perhaps try 5hrs A in the AM consistently & see what happens.  I think it will really help to give you a better feel for what is going on.  If he will pull a decent length nap of 2hrs then I would say try between 5-5.5hrs A to BT.  If its less then I'd say 5hrs max.  I found while O's AM A time was shorter (5hrs or less), he needed a longer PM A time, but now his AM A time is 5.5hrs, he actually needs a shorter A to BT of just 5hrs.

No idea on sleep cycle length btw.  If O wakes mid-nap these days its usually somewhere around 1h 15 so that might be his cycle ending ???  He's 18.5months now though so a wee bit older than your LO.


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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2012, 14:41:16 pm »
Is that something you could do in order to keep him awake?  Or perhaps just leave 10mins early from your group?
All good suggestions and I am aware I could come across as rejecting them... The groups finish at 11am, and 11.30am and there is no pattern that I can see as to when he will fall asleep in the car and when he stays awake.  ie he could fall asleep at the 11am car journey but might stay awake for the 11.30 car journey, meaning that even if we left early (which I'd be willing to do if I thought it would help) at say 11.20 he could still fall asleep.  He'll even have a quick nap on the way there at 9.20 ish some days! (2hr 20 A time!).
Singing in the car just makes him fall asleep, I have tried to chat and encourage him to stay awake, sometimes it might work or maybe those were just days when he wasn't going to fall asleep anyway.
I can't foot or head tickle as he is still in a rear facing seat and my car won't take a car seat in the front passenger due to air bag being there (it can't be turned off).

WD routine
He's always liked it really short.  Up the stairs, change nappy quickly, into room one short song with cuddle standing by his cot (and kind of rocking cuddle) then into cot and say something like 'have a nice sleep' and leave him.  I'm only in his room about 2 or 3 mins.  As a younger baby, or during illness say, if he needs a bit more I might repeat the song a second time so he relaxes more and then put him down.  It's still only about 5 mins in his room, if that.  And like yours if I do too long (if 2 mins can be too long) he wriggles to tell me he wants down (or very funny will put his hand on my mouth to shut me up!  I think he first did that about 4 months! haha!) and I move on to putting down with his key phrases.

OT/UT signs
I 'think' I can tell the difference in DS but perhaps not.

Certainly trying for 5hrs first A time.
Today (a no group day so no car trip) he wouldn't have any of it.  Ended up 5hr 45 (no crying, only shouting for me with a threat to cry if I didn't show up after he'd been alone chatting in his cot for 20mins)

I'll keep doing the 5 hr first A and the suggested As to bed as you've suggested and let you know how we go.
Thanks again x

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2012, 18:43:10 pm »
I really think the fussing at nap time does sound developmental Hun, and there may be little you can do about it but be consistent and ride it out. We had this same thing at 13 months but at BT ::) the way through it for us was believe it or not earlier and earlier! ;)

I agree with Claire re car naps, they are an odd thing really. could you give him a snack in the car for him to eat to keep him awake?

Our WD is now also really short, but the pattern before his nap is always the same 30'mins prior IYKWiM?

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2012, 18:54:58 pm »
Know anything about pre-midnight crib parties Sara?
Maybe it was a one off (I hope so) but it really really confused me.

I'm not sure I'd feel confident to give him a snack in the car, his seat is still a stage one so pretty reclined and rear facing, he is a great eater but I'd be worried about him choking on something.  Maybe when we get the new car seat I would feel better about that (it will be front facing and more sitting upright with a recline feature).  Thinking about it, maybe the new car seat itself would encourage him to stay awake until we got home.

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2012, 19:02:56 pm »
We have never had a pre midnight crib party, only post when Z was little. But, we have had WU 45 mins after BT for a chat, and 1 hr chatting before settling at BT. All turned out to be a bit of cumulated OT fromwhat i think was developmental.

Can you increase the incline of the seat? Zac is rear facing, but I have a mirror on the back seat so I an see him and he can see himself. What about playing a DVD or something? Are there any toys helped you could give hm?

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2012, 19:49:50 pm »
Can you increase the incline of the seat?
No, this car seat has no way of changing the incline.
I do give him a toy, I could try changing the toy more frequently.
He usually has his muslin (lovey) in the car so perhaps I can try taking it away so he isn't so cosy.

With regards something to eat in the car too...I also thought (a couple of weeks back) that making him hold out for lunch would keep him awake until we got home but this didn't work.  He has a snack with the other toddlers at group but I have to take a massive snack for him which is more like a big lunch (sandwich, fruit, an oaty bar) or he gets very upset.  I did hope this could reduce to a proper size snack and lunch could be when we got home (say 11.30/11.45) then nap at 12 (5 hr A) to give him something to stay awake for but he starts to have a tantrum if he doesn't get his huge snack/lunch at 10.30/11am when the other toddlers just eat a few raisins or a couple of slices of banana.  I'm sure over time this will settle down into a snack and lunch, 2 separate food times, but atm he has to eat until he is FULL at that snack time so I don't think he'd eat anything extra in the car anyway.  Bewing so full prob makes him more sleepy in the car too!

TBH I didn't imagine him falling to sleep in the car could end up being such a big problem.  I thought it was great that I could now carry him inside still sleeping which he never 'let' me do before he was 1yr.

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2012, 20:25:32 pm »
I doubt this will help much in terms of his sleep Creations but if it makes you feel better, we have had a few blips along the way in the last couple of months as well.  Very much like yours!  ENW for an hour or two (and some 2am crib parties where she wouldn't settle).  I thought pain... medicated with no real change from day to day - seemed to work sometimes!  So I tried shorter A times to fix any OT we could have... nope.  Tried longer A times in case it was UT - nope.  And we also had some of those nights with a total sleep of 9 hrs or a bit less as well.

I really think it was completely developmental now... after the second bout of similar sleep issues, I realized that nothing I tried was consistently working to improve her sleep.  I *think* it was a language development milestone each time so far... it seems that her sleep returns to normal just as quickly as it went wonky... with no real reason for a change.  But, then I notice that she is saying more/imitating more with regards to speaking.

It is so hard when they get all weird on us!  Especially at this age - we should be masters of sleep tweaking by now ;)

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2012, 21:57:31 pm »
Yes it could well be language development Kara.  I don't think we've ever had developmental sleep disturbances like sitting, rolling, crawling, walking.  DS just seemed to get all his physical stuff in during the day and slept at night!  We did get disrupted nights when solids were introduced though, probably gas but I had thoughts of him dreaming so much about the food that he would wake himself up reaching out for another baked sweet potato wedge :)

So far this evening it's been far more like pain and he's feeling very hot despite me feeling freezing cold and wanting to turn the heating up!  Well, we had a couple of days without illness so we are due another bout of something.

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2012, 22:06:36 pm »
Maybe he's got a virus Hun, they are sneaky nasty things!

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Re: shorter naps and night time crib parties
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2012, 22:18:05 pm »
I wouldn't be surprised, he gets one every time he's just got over one!
Bah - and I waited until he was well to ask about his sleep probs too.
If he ever starts sleeping all night again I'm going to end up doing that really annoying thing of going to watch him sleep just because I miss him.  atm he gives me no chance to miss him :)