I'm not sure what to do with my DD - maybe nothing but ride it out as it's probably one of those phases
but any ideas or reassurance is most welcome!
She is doing the toddler pickyish eating thing but over the course of a day she eats fairly well, big brother was very similar so I'm not too worried about that really. However she has developed a *thing* about the temperature of her food and has started refusing anything she thinks is too hot. I always dish their food out first to allow it to cool and we do the blowing on it and encourage her to blow if it's warm too, she's even testing it with her fingers now to double check.
The last two nights she has totally refused to eat with us. We have had tantrums at tea time (she has no nap anymore so some OT is at play here too) and she has decided she wants her bed so she has taken herself off to bed while we are eating. Then she has calmed down, had her bath and then decided she needs to eat her dinner (dinner that has been on a plate for a good hour and is definitly cold by now
). She has actually eaten her food after the bath so it wasn't that she didn't like what was offered.
I guess what I am worried about is starting a habit of eating after everyone else. I have tried to give her very limited attention while she is eating (I did the dishes tonight while she ate), but I also don't want to refuse her food if she is asking because as bright as she is I don't think she will get the natural consequence of eat when we all do or go hungry yet.
I am at home for the next 5 days so I think I'll keep a track of what she is actually eating and make sure there are no snacks in the afternoon. We tend to have a sandwich type snack meal for lunches and a cooked meal at teatime. I can do a cold meal at teatime - I just feel better if I know she has had one cooked, warm meal a day, but maybe that's my issue!
Any experience with a similar issue out there? Any ideas?
Thank you!!