Huge hugs first off!X
I know what you mean about the unknown,,I've felt that will all 3 of my lo's,,more so the baby just now because of the gas problems to,,but after reading that his problems would probally become worse if formular fed then I decided to conntinue with the bf.
That said,bf doesn't have to take over your life,,,with all my lo's there has been a bottle and a carton on formula on the top shelf if it gets to much for me (but I've always had a good suply),,, so if I'm tiered,,or wanting a break,just to go to the shops and leave kids with dh without the worry of feeding time,,I go,,knowing that there's a stand by there just incase,,,, or if I wake through the night,ir want a long lie in bed,its there for the same reason.sure I could pump,,but it just didn't suit me to pump,,might do for others.
They might have had 2 bottles one week,,,,none for 3 weeks,,1 bottle next week and so on,,,never did them any harm and sure didn't do me any either. Hats off to the mummies who don't need to have a wee break but I did,,and I think I did so that I wouldn't have to give up bf all together,,so you do what's best for you!
I'm not sure of all the names of the stuff you can take to work on your suply,,but you said you've been there before so I'm sure you'll know already,,also the pumping an hour before the next feed also,,to do all this before shows what breastfeeding means to you,so you must feel its worth it!XxX