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Offline stryker412

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A few questions...
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:56:54 pm »
We want our son to start using a cup. We should have started this earlier but we didn't. He's now 11 months and can hold the bottle yet refuses to. I want him to use the cup that has a straw so we can give him water or juice. How can I teach him to use a straw?

Also, he has an issue with the Gerber baby foods that have small pieces in them like the pastas or small carrots. He'll eat the puréed part but as soon as he detects a solid in his purée he spits it out. He will eat solids by themselves though, like the puffs or chicken. It's the mixture of the two he can't tolerate for some reason.

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Re: A few questions...
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 13:08:33 pm »

I would think it is a matter of giving him a cup with every meal and also just leaving it around and keep offering it to him. He will get the hang of it eventually. Maybe buy a few cups to try? sippy I think is the easiest to start with as they only don't really have to do a lot!

Have you tried some finger foods yet to get him used to 'hard' foods?

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Re: A few questions...
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 16:08:20 pm »
I'd give him a cup with every meal,,he will soon get the hang of it.

As for the food with bits in it,,,I would be the same,,I don't like food like that either,,as long as he's eating pured food,,or solid food on its own then I'd just take it that he doesn't like it when its mixed sorta thing,,babies are like adults in the sence that they won't like things just like we won't!X
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Re: A few questions...
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 19:55:29 pm »
There's a section in one of the BW books (sorry I forget which, most likely Toddlers) about moving on to a cup.
Tracy suggested sitting with LO on your knee facing away from you and help to guide their hands to the cup handles, and use your own hands too, to encourage them to drink from it.
I think verbal encouragement is important, when I introduced a cup DS expected me to hold it.  I did a little the first few times so he got he idea that water came out of it, then told him to do it himself, if he didn't go for it I said I'd help, but he did need encouragement to take hold.
Another thing I did was put my own drink into a sippy cup identical to the one I gave DS.  He was in his high chair and I sat opposite and showed him clearly how to pick up and use the cup.  I felt this made a big difference to him using it, LOs do like to copy.

I've introduced a straw recently and did this by sucking up a little water through and holding it in there with my finger then offering the other end to DS's mouth.  For doing this just 2 or 3 times he caught on that liquid comes out of the straw and from there I could put the other end in the cup of water.  I also drank using a straw so he could copy.

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Re: A few questions...
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 20:40:13 pm »
I would just offer and see if he can use a straw.

At 10mo my ds1 just started drinking out of a straw that my sister offered him one day. I was just about to say how he wouldn't be able to use it as he had never had one before and he just sucked it and proved me wrong. and he had never even used a bottle (well not since a handful of times at 2mo).

My nephew was like your ds on the lumps front. He just went straight from purees to solid foods. I would just begin to offer more and more solid foods and begin to reduce the purees. It's not like he needs to learn how to eat lumps in purees for any reason at this age.
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Re: A few questions...
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 11:14:56 am »
It's really common for babies to not like the lumpy solids- if you think about it there are plenty of adults that also hate this consistency!! It's fine to move right on to more solid finger foods from purees. The other thing too- often the commercial baby foods with the lumps have lumps that are a little harder than you'd make yourself- so it's like everything is smooth and then there's this lump!! Very off putting!

I did a similar thing to creations- sucked a little water into the straw (or just put my finger on the end to collect it.. you know?) then tipped it into his mouth. Once he worked out what the aim was he picked it up well. Now- that doesn't mean he doesn;t think it's more fun spitting it out of his mouth rather than swallowing it!! ::)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!