Hi there!
I'm thinking there is an UT/OT aspect to this, too, but also the need to tweak his overall routine (he's giving signs of needing to move to a more age-appropriate routine). So, this is what I see:
1) That first A time/nap is pretty good. Seems like he likes his first A time on the short side...that isn't a problem now, but a couple of things to look out for are: a) he starts short napping this nap = needs an increase in A time, and b) EWs which mean that first A time is too short and his body treats the first nap like an extension of night sleep = needs an increase in A time.
I would say, though, that he's ready for more A time for the rest of his day. That 2nd nap looked UT to me and then he had some OT naps after that because he hadn't had a restorative nap since the AM. So, for his second A time, increase that by 15min or so every 2-3 days until that nap lengthens. Then, you'll have a good idea what his 3rd A time is likely to be, and for his last A time before bed--after, ideally, a catnap--it will be about 30 minutes less.
2) Is he formula fed? He's eating quite well, but I bet if you were to gradually extend the time between his feeds, you'd see that he'll eat about the same as on the 3h feeding routine. You said that by adding in solids, his milk intake dropped...by how much? Also, if he's eating every 3h at night, that could very much affect his appetite during the day. How long has he been eating every 3h at night?
By my calculations, if he's eating what you posted during the day, plus 7oz every 3h at night, that's a LOT of milk. I would definitely work on resettling at night without the feeding. I'd start with the first post-DF night waking, resettling him if it hasn't been at least 3.5/4h since the last time he ate. Then after a few days of doing that, see if he can go longer. It's not that I think he might not need to eat at all at night, but definitely not every 3h.
I know it's mainly advised to give solids at 6mo+, but if your little guy needs more during the day--instead of making up for it at night--I think it's a good thing to give him solids throughout the day (not all at once, but working up to it)...if the weaning from the night doesn't help.
Here are some links that I think you'll find useful:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=67569.0http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=67978.0 (especially read the paragraph that starts "If a baby at this stage is still feeding every three hours")
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=63161.0I think you'll find it easier to get him on a 4h+ routine as he goes longer between feeds (his tummy will hold more), and his A times increase (bc the longer A times will push the naps closer to the next E time). His routine doesn't have to be an exact EASEAS, but can be EASAEAS...like you're already doing, just to make sure he's hungry enough to get a full feed in.
HTH...I feel like the info might be a bit jumbled (my brain is firing off faster than I can type). Please let me know if you have any questions