Author Topic: It's hot - should I be worried that DD isn't drinking more water?  (Read 1291 times)

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Offline Papaya

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Not sure where to put this....

F has been drinking water from a sippy cup since 6 months, and is usually pretty good - she has water with meals, I leave her cup sitting on the coffee table and she and does help herself, and I also offer it to her whenever I get myself a drink, before naps, after we get in from an outing etc. She is still bfing at WU and BT. Generally no other liquids - she's MPI so I make sure she has plenty of coconut milk in things, but she doesn't drink it straight.

Now the hot season has arrived. And it's stinking hot - mid to high 30s during the day and not dipping much until around 10pm.

BUT over the past few days, she seems to be hardly drinking at all during the day. I hand her the cup, and she pushes it away. Every now and again she'll take a few sips - a very few. I'm drinking more than usual, and she's drinking less. Her pee is yellow, and she had a dry nappy this morning. Part of that I know is that I caught the last wee before bed and the WU wee in the potty, but I would still have expected her nappy to be a bit wet  :-\ She's also been a wee bit constipated over the past week which I think is due to not enough fluids.

Today I'd say she only drank about 200mls of water the entire day. It just doesn't seem anywhere near enough to me. I tried offering water in two different cups, and in her sippy bottle but it didn't seem to make a difference. I then went and bought a coconut in desperation this evening because I know she likes the coconut water, and she did gulp down some of that. I'll get another one tomorrow.

Should I be worried? Or if I'm offering, will she regulate herself what she needs? She seems fine otherwise. Any ideas of how to encourage her to drink more?

Offline Texomamama

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Re: It's hot - should I be worried that DD isn't drinking more water?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 12:30:20 pm »
I have this concern as well during the summer.  Not sure, what, if anything you can do other than to continue to offer water.  You can't force her to drink it.  Maybe you can model the behavior for her.  You drink (and seem to really enjoy it), then she might drink?  Or maybe, try and use a fun straw?

Last resort might be diluting the water with juice, but then you are going down a slippery slope.  Best bet is to have to accept and enjoy drinking plain water.  I think that when she gets really thirsty though, she will indeed drink.  I noticed DD2 starting to be more proactive about letting me know she wanted a drink at about 14-15 mo.

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: It's hot - should I be worried that DD isn't drinking more water?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 14:44:40 pm »
Can you offer more water in her foods?  For example, give granitas or sorbets to eat.  Jelly is also good as it's basically all liquid once it's digested also juicy fruits, cucumber, citrus fruits etc?  I'm a terrible example at drinking water for my son.  I'm often dehydrated.

I remember when it was hot last year though (UK hot so not all that hot), I put some ice cubes in his sippy cup and he drank more.  Maybe you could try that?  (Obviously use safe water for the ice cubes considering your location!)  There's nothing worse IMO than drinking tepid or warm water when it's hot but icy cold water is lovely.
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Offline Papaya

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Re: It's hot - should I be worried that DD isn't drinking more water?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 14:50:19 pm »
Thanks for the reassurance and ideas ladies. She has been drinking a bit more today, and she does eat plenty of cucumber and watermelon. She also woke around 1am last night, had a HUGE drink from her sippy cup and went straight back to sleep - so I guess she will drink when she's thirsty enough!

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: It's hot - should I be worried that DD isn't drinking more water?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 20:46:39 pm »
Sometimes it just feels to hot to do anything!  Glad she's drinking better.  Good idea with the watermelon.
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