Author Topic: Nursing every 2 hours so naps are only 20-40 mins, help!  (Read 770 times)

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Offline msgrun

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Nursing every 2 hours so naps are only 20-40 mins, help!
« on: March 21, 2012, 21:57:28 pm »
Hi Everyone! I have a few questions about my S in our EASY Routine. Hopefully y'all can help me a bit and hopefully this is the right forum.

My son is 6.5 weeks old, he weighed 6 lbs 13 oz when he was born but dropped down to 6 lbs even before we left the hospital. He currently weighs just about 8 lbs. For the first 4 weeks the drs told us he had colic, he would cry almost sun up to sun down. At 4 weeks we finally figured out he had reflux and got medicine and are doing much better. Not perfect but at least there are happy/calm times during our day. I've read the BW's books and from 2 weeks I had him on an EASY routine. He has been EBF except for about 6 days when I had to have surgery and couldn't pump or BF. He goes from formula to bottle to breast without any problems. And from the very beginning he has been feeding every 2 hours. There were a few times in the first month (every other day or so) where he would have a longer nap and would go 2.5-3 hours between feeds. But for the past week and a half it's been every 2 hours on the dot, sometimes at 1.5-1 hour 45 minutes. I try to feed him when he gives his cues (tongue, rooting, sucking his hands) and he does this every time during the day. He nurses for 20-40 minutes depending on how tired he is. And I am sore and exhausted. Our EASY is roughly like this:

A:8-815 (burp, change diaper, do anything that keeps him upright, walk around the yard)
S:830-840 (start to wind down, meltdown starts at 845 on the dot if I don't)




A: None but change diaper

A: None but change diaper

A:8 Bedtime routine

A:None but diaper change

Then he sleeps until typically 330-4 am. 5.5 to 6 hours straight. I know. It's a glorious miracle. A miracle I don't want to mess with except his naps during the day are awfully short and he is miserably overtired by the time 3 pm rolls around. They are typically 20 minutes then he wakes up screaming and we have to wind down again for another 20 minutes. By the time 3 pm rolls around, he can't even manage an activity before sleep. I always start my wind down when he starts yawning. I swaddle, put on white noise, offer a pacy (doesn't always take it but always spits it out before fully going to sleep). I have kept a log and he gets between 13-15 hours of sleep a day. He gets 8-9 feedings a day. He does like to fall asleep during his feedings but I try my best to keep him awake. He sleeps upright in a bouncer chair. I've tried elevating his mattress but he rolls around and he also sleeps this way if I'm holding/rocking him.

So my question is, do I try to space out his feedings and try (somehow) to get him to take longer naps? How do I do that if when he wakes up, he is giving hunger cues and if I try to hold him off he cries?

Or do I just be grateful he sleeps so long at night and suck it up? I feel that he is so hungry during the day that he just can't sleep long enough and needs to eat, thus resulting in an exhausted baby at the end of the day leading to sleeping all night.
I did a pump yield and I get only 1 oz on each side, so I can assume it's really 2. He nurses both breast at each feeding for about 15 min each. Is he getting enough? Should I try to do a twilight feed later around 1 or 2 pm?

Thank you so much for reading and help. I know it was long.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Nursing every 2 hours so naps are only 20-40 mins, help!
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 23:10:47 pm »
So many hugs, my LO was similar with sleep and feeding at this age due to reflux and we had 20 min naps with screaming WU from pain.

I really think the reflux sounds like it is not controlled at this point and is causing pain wich is soothed by frequent feelings. it is a tough cycle to be in, but I'm glad you have okay nights. We also had good nights and terrible days

Cn you advise what medication he is on for reflux?
I would persivere withh the paci, pacis can really help reflux pain and with sleep/settling etc.
Will he settle in a baby sling/wrap/carrier? These can be a lifesaver for your back!
How is he with regards to wind. Do you give gripe water/infacol after feeds to help bring the wind up?

Hugs x

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline msgrun

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Re: Nursing every 2 hours so naps are only 20-40 mins, help!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 00:44:55 am »
You're right, it's not controlled. I guess I meant that I am seeing an improvement. But we do have a long way to go.

He is taking Zantac at 0.7 three times a day. We just upped it from 0.6 per the dr since he is still hurting. But half typically ends up on his clothes because he just pushes it out.

I will keep going with the pacy. I bought every single brand they make to find one he would even remotely entertain. He does like it but will suck for a few minutes like mad and then rub his face against me to get it out. If I try to put it back he cries. But I will keep trying.

I got him to take it in the first place by putting a little gripe water on the end when I was giving it to him. We used to give him Gripe water daily when we thought he had colic but we've stopped. Should I keep giving it to him? I try to burp him about 3 times a feed and he hates it. Cries and cries. I will sometimes get a good burp but typically it's small, wet burps that bring up milk.

He does enjoy the front carrier very much. When I feel confident in us I use that to go to the store or when we go to the dr since he HATES the carseat. He also loves the swing on full blast. But the BW says to not use those and I just felt really guilty, like I was doing something wrong. But I do use them when it just gets to be too much.

Thank you so much for replying. It helps my heart to know I haven't screwed him up too much yet.  :)

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Nursing every 2 hours so naps are only 20-40 mins, help!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 17:49:18 pm »
Are you squirting it Ito the side of his cheek in tiny increments? It's hard, but they really need the full does as Zantac is so weight sensitive. You could discuss moving to a PPi with your dr if you feel the Zantac is just not working.

I would keep with the gripe water trck if it helps, and also giving it after feeds if you feel it helps. It certainly helped us with Zs wind and hiccups.

So re swing, BW does say not to use these asthey can be one a prop. BUT all ets are off with a baby in pain Hun. Trees is no EASY, you just have to muddle through and if the swing helps you and him, I say to for it. You can wean it later. I had to APOP every nap till Z was 4 months old. And once he was not in pain I had no problems sleep training him ;)

Hugs, reflux is shared. They do outgrow it, thank god!

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.