Author Topic: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?  (Read 1831 times)

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What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« on: March 22, 2012, 06:59:32 am »
Colby is still hardly taking much solids and I know my ds1 was taking a lot more at this age. We have been doing BLW since 25wo but the last few days he has also let me feed him cereals off a spoon.

I know all LOs are different but I'm interested in hearing what other 7mos are/were typically eating at this age. Here is an example of a good day with solids here

Breakfast: 2oz baby porridge or Weetabix, a slither of banana
Lunch: crusts from 1 slice of bread with olive oil spread and marmite or toast with avocado
Dinner: 4 steamed carrot sticks, courgette or roast sweet potato wedges, sucks on a strip of chicken.
Water from sippy at each meal
With the finger foods a lot end up as mess on the tray or floor so I can't always tell what has gone in.
On a bad day he might not seem to consume anything and it all just gets thrown on the floor.

He has 5-6 BFs a day including a DF/NF
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline stevesmum

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Re: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2012, 10:38:44 am »
Hi Ali,
We've been on solids/food chunks from about 5.5mths.
OUr food is like this...
6-7 bf then weetbix with toast to chomp on or yoghurt (tabs min)
9.30 or so bf and again 12-1ish
maybe a rusk/bread stick/biccie in between naps
bf on wake up from next nap (if he wants it)
vegie chunks - 2 2cmlong chunks carrot, floret broccoli and cauli, 2 rings of zucchini, tab of mixed potato and pumpkin, some meat to suck on, then maybe a tab of yoghurt or custard with farex mixed in..
bf at bt (might not take much)
df but again might not take much..
I was doing a four hour e, but since starting solids and the two naps, i've been bfing whenever he wants it - I know he doesn't need them to get to sleep so it doesn't bother me feeding before naps... I also think he would gladly wean himself if I let him, but don't wish to - I'd like him to bf longer (or as long as he wants). He's teething at present so I think he likes food to chomp on - tastes good too! I'm sorry my measurements aren't great - he tends to eat and eat and eat... I just keep offering food!
hope this helps

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Re: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 10:41:47 am »

I followed the BW weaning g/lines on the whole. I did offer DD FF at the same time, buy she showed not interest until recently (at 8m) Our typical food day at 7m was something like this:

7am - 7oz
8.30am - porridge made with 2oz of milk mixed w/4tsp of pureed fruit

11ish / after 1st nap 5 to 7oz
12.30/1.5h after bottle - lunch 8tsp of pureed veggies
3/4pm (after 2nd nap) - 7oz
5.30pm/1.5h after bottle - dinner 8tsp of pureed veggies or fruit or rice cereal made with 2oz of milk mixed with 4tsp pureed veggies
6.45 - 5-7oz & bed

As I say, DD only just started showing an interest in FF and I have recently introduced 'lumps' and flavour which she is adjusting to. She doesn't have snacks in between and we had dropped the DF by 7m.

I hope this helps  :)

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Re: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 08:22:36 am »
Thanks ladies. I think both of yours are taking more than mine. He is definitely getting better but still not huge amounts. Oh well, it'll come. He will only let me feed him cereal off a spoon for supper otherwise it has to be him feeding himself finger food. I wanted to do blw anyway but I would have liked him to take porridge etc. Off a spoon at breakfast to see him through his first nap.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline stevesmum

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Re: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 10:16:44 am »
I'm thinking it would be nice if Ben would take more Bf - not sure if he's currently in a strike or not. But he's arching away and grizzling when I offer, (except at bt or nw or almost asleep), so I couldn't confidently say he's getting more than 2 good feeds a day. I don't want to wean yet!!! Though he would take solids in any form.... nw have increased too, but I can't guarantee what they're from - teeth or hunger!!
anyway, the joys of children!

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Re: What/how much solids is your 7mo eating?
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 15:49:15 pm »
How do you time the BFs and solids? Colby is mega distractable too but I try to feed him in the bedroom without cadan running roundm not always possible of course.

Do you pump? Can you put some breast milk in his food in things like cereal or rice pudding?

Colby is taking a bit more each day which is good. We are also getting waking at night for BF but he is cutting his first two teeth so I'm putting it down to that disturbing his sleep.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011