DS is 6 weeks. He had some problems at birth and was in hospital for 4.5 weeks; a lot of the hospital stay was just because he wasn't eating much. He was tube fed for two weeks to start with so it took a while to get him to take a bottle. Plus he has severe reflux, which probably makes him uncomfortable. He's on Zantac and Gaviscon for that though.
He feeds every 3 hours or so, and at the moment he takes 50-70ml per feed, and he's having a total of maybe 420ml (14oz) in 24 hours.
He's on SMA High Energy, so he's getting everything he needs from the tiny quantity he's taking. He's having wet and dirty nappies, he's not dehydrated, and he's putting on about half an oz a day. His doctors aren't concerned, they seem happy enough with how he's doing for now.
Has anyone had a baby like this? I'm wondering will this be a long term thing, or will he start eating more normally at some stage? Should we move away from the high energy formula? He actually took bigger quantities of Aptamil than he is of the high energy one; given much the same weight gain on each, would it be better to give him a 'normal' formula and have him take more, or this one, and less?