HI there,
This forum was my saviour a year ago when my 17 month old was small and battled naps for months! Thank you so much
At that stage i never had to visit the night wakins forum however.
So life moves on... back to work for months and a beautiful active (textbook/spirited/touchy (with foood) boy..
Around 10 months DS started waking around 4 am and would babble to himself and go back to sleep btw 10 and sixity minutes. Intervening made it worse so we usually let him at it. This continued infrequently, then stopped for a while, but returned gradullay again at 14 and was awful at 15 months when he got 8 teeth in one month. The teething has eased but the night wakings continue about half the time. Its usually one waking or sometimes two but he generally needs the soother to go back to sleep. He doesnt have it going to sleep but has become reliant on it when he wakes (because we gave it to him, I know
). We dont pick him up.
I was reading Tracey's book , the bbw solves all your problems and she describes wake to sleep.
Does this really work??? Before eOops!! on this i have a few issues:
what time to do it at? he could wake at 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ot not at all?
How awake do you make him?
I fear it could cause more problems and since its such a gamble to set an alarm to wake me up everynight, I'd like to be sure!
When he was smaller, sh-pat worked really well for naps and UW, but he is too active for that now.
I would really appreciate some advice and love to here success stories?