Author Topic: Big Boy Bed, Wi/Wo--almost 2 yo *now he's sleeping on the floor all night*  (Read 2801 times)

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Offline Peek-a-boo

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How do I do wi/wo with an almost 2 year old who just moved to a big boy bed (after starting to climb out of the crib at bed time and during night wakings)?  He's springing out of bed before I'm even out the door.   :-\  If I do get out the door, then he's flopping in front of the door, making it hard to open the door to go back in.  
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 05:03:29 am by Peek-a-boo »

Offline Tweakster

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Re: Night Wakings, Climbing Out of Crib, Big Boy Bed, Wi/Wo--almost 2 yo
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 00:50:02 am »
Bethany do you think GW might work better for this transition?  Have you used WI/WO with him successfully in the past?
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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: Night Wakings, Climbing Out of Crib, Big Boy Bed, Wi/Wo--almost 2 yo
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 01:26:08 am »
I have used wi/wo successful.  The trouble with GW is that my being in the room seems to keep him unsettled. 

This is all rooted in long NWings that he's been having for a few weeks now.  I initially responded with AP and they just kept getting longer, so I switched to wi/wo and he started climbing out of the crib, so we've moved him to a bed because we were concerned he would injure himself. 

I actually feel like it's all spiraling out of control, but at its root there's this NW issue that has only grown worse, never better. 

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: Night Wakings, Climbing Out of Crib, Big Boy Bed, Wi/Wo--almost 2 yo
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 05:02:36 am »
Okay, so now when I put him to bed, shortly after I leave the room I hear him get up and settle himself in front of the door.  He doesn't cry or need help, but he's falling asleep on the floor in front of the door.  The first night he did this, I went in and moved him to his bed while he was sleeping and he woke up in the middle of the night hysterical.  Last night I just left him and he slept until 5:45, woke up mellow, and went back to sleep in his bed with me laying next to him, sleeping until 7:30.

I feel like I just need to accept his sleeping on the floor since he's doing it contentedly, but somehow that just seems wrong!

Offline Katet

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Can you make his bed just a mattress on the floor. We moved Ds2 out of his cot to a mattress on the floor at 19mo, he didn't move to a bed height bed until about 2yo.
Maybe the mattress on the bed is too soft, our cot mattress & base was pretty hard & the bed was a lot softer, so it could be a factor.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Peek-a-boo

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I'm so discouraged.  :(  He's napped well the last couple of days, but last night was rough. 

He slept on the floor from bed time until 1:30ish, then woke up so I went in and laid on the bed beside him and he fell asleep ( I probably did too).  Eventually I woke up, went back to my bed, but he woke again around 5:45 and I went back in and laid down by him and was there until morning. 

I think my laying down with him is going to become a prop issue fast. 

I can't decide if we should . . .
a) go back to the crib and just trust that he's a proficient enough climber that he won't hurt himself when he climbs out (which has been true so far)

b) go back to the crib, but converted to a toddler bed with little rails in place of one side (if I can find the parts to make the conversion--I had forgotten this crib did that, but it does).

c)  stick it out with the bed, but sit next to it or something rather than lying down with him

I'm so tired and discouraged. :(

Offline Tweakster

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What about the mattress on the floor idea?  Not an option?

I don't think I'd go back to the crib - he'll probably still keep climbing out and the more he does it in one evening the more risk of injury.  The toddler bed with rails would be my idea.

What happens if you do silent return?  Have you tried walking him back without saying anything and putting him back in bed until he gets the idea?  How verbal is he Bethany?
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Offline Khalam's Mama

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What about the cot mattress on the floor? I would use the toddler bed though if you have that option.

Offline Peek-a-boo

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What about the mattress on the floor idea?  Not an option?

Well, that would be an option, and I suppose it would reduce his chance of injury from running off the bed if I end up doing some kind of wi/wo with him.  I guess I feel like going back to the crib/converted crib creates at least something of a psychological barrier.  In the middle of the night, if I try to leave before he's asleep, he pops up and chases me, tripping on his blankets and running off the edge of the bed.  Mattress on the floor might give me more sleep training options.  

Quote (selected)
What happens if you do silent return?  Have you tried walking him back without saying anything and putting him back in bed until he gets the idea?  How verbal is he Bethany?

He's moderately verbal.  Understands a lot; able to communicate quite a lot, but I really can't reason with him--especially in the middle of the night.    

So far, if I try to wi/wo during the night, there's really no option to do a "silent return."  If I go to walk out, he springs up, chases after me screaming and crying.  If I pick him up, it's thrashing/wailing/etc, my trying to avoid his flailing and then him springing right back up the second I've plunked him down.   This is why I'm missing the crib, something to confine him a bit--but he was so fast at climbing out it really wasn't that different I guess.  

Thanks for responding.  I'm really needing someone to help me think this through.  I'm quite discouraged at this point iykwim.  

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Do you think he needs to cut his nap? What if you lay with him at bt then do GW once he is used to the bed?

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Do you think he needs to cut his nap?

I've been in denial about this possibility, but I'm starting to think this may be it.  He's 23 months and only sleeps 11.5 hours in 24 hours on average.  I keep his nap to 1.5 hours as is.   :-\

He's getting better with how to get in and out of bed; we had a couple of good nights (maybe b/c he was finally tired enough after a string of bad nights??), but then last night was rough again--long night waking.  GW just doesn't seem to work--he will relax, but he just doesn't fall into a deep sleep and the second I move he's awake again.  Of course wi/wo doesn't really work either b/c he gets so wound up . . .

which is making me wonder if the long nwings are UT and therefore nothing will work.  Ai yi yi, I don't know where to cut sleep.   :-\

Offline donna_issabella

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I can't help, we are in a similar position. Been going on for more than 3 months..... Many many hugs and love. SOmeone will be thinking of you in the early ams...

Offline Peek-a-boo

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{{Hugs}} back at you DI.   :-* :-* :-*

Offline Khalam's Mama

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I hit this issue around 2yo when we moved to a bbb. K used to sleep 1.5hr nap and 10hr nights. Once I cut the nap he started getting 12mo to 14hr nights. I think the nap was messing him up. We tried 45min naps but tbh it was better when I just cut it and did bt 10hrs after Wu. We still get 12hr minimum night here 8m later so overall more sleep.

Offline Peek-a-boo

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So you just totally dropped the nap around age 2?