Please forgive me if I am reposting a question already in the forum,but my search function will not work and I am in desperate need of help!!
My 14month old (almost 15th months) is refusing to nap for the second day in a row. Around the time she turned one she transitioned herself from 2 naps to 1. I wasn't ready for it, but apparently she was! Thats ok because she was taking two one hour naps and will now take one 2-4 hour nap. Her routine has been very consistant since then.
Wake: 8 am
wind down: 12:45-1
Nap: Anywhere from 1-3 to 1-5
wind down: 7:30-8
Sleep: 8pm
It's been a very beautiful thing until yesterday. She absolutely refused to go to sleep at night time. Wind down went the same as usual and then I turned off the lights and help her. She put her head on my chest and I laid her in the crib. For about five minutes she started to doze off and then all of a sudden it was party time in her crib. I am talking, kicking, rolling around, clapping, waving, standing, walking, etc. I tried pu/pd and it didn't work. She started getting mad at me and I started getting mad at her
We tried this for about an hour and then I gave up and tried laying her down again around 3pm and she still fought it but was exhausted and gave in around 20 minutes. She went to sleep as normal that night. No fighting.
Today, THE SAME THING HAPPENED! She gave me her sleepy signs, we did WD time, I turned the lights off, head on chest, baby in crib, dozing off and then SNAP..PARTY TIME! Instead of giving in and getting angry at her I walked out of the room and sat there listening to her. She wimpered mostly. We have never done cry it out as a method of putting her to sleep. I am not sure what to do. I know she is tired as she is walking around rubbing her eyes right now, so why wont she nap???