I have just finished 1.5 hours of WIWO with my 2 year old DD2... crying, screaming and hyperventilating.
WIWO always worked well with my DD1, but I haven't really had to use it with DD2, she was much easier, I could use GW.
But the last few months GW hasn't worked very well. So I've been trying WIWO.
DD2 just crying the minute she hits the bed. She wants me in there of course, but she's slept independantly since 3 months old.
Usual routine is
Awake 8:00am
Nap 1:30-3:00pm
Asleep 8:30 or 8:45pm
She's average sleep needs, rarely does EW. We usually wake her in the morning.
She just started this routine of crying at bedtime and now it's become a habit. I was staying in until she fell asleep, but that's got to stop.
I tried a little WIWO last week and that worked well for a week (she was going to bed and just talking and kicking the walls then fall asleep).
Then one night she cried a couple of nights ago and now every night since.
Last night she fell asleep at 9:30, woke at 5:45 and wouldn't go back to bed. Then nap 8:45-9:30 and 1:30-3:00. I tried to put her to bed at 8:15 tonight and that resulted in 1.5 hours of crying/screaming.
I don't even know what time to wake her in the morning!
I have no idea if she's OT or UT when I put her to bed!
Any advice about any of it would be appreciated!!