Am lost with DS2s sleep. Whatever I do for nap, BT, etc, he is waking early. Sometimes only getting 11hours sleep in 24.
Here are some days which are pretty representative
Tuesday March 20th
wake 5.20am
Nap 12.50-1.55pm
BT 7pm
Saturday March 24th
Wake 5.35
Nap 11-12.30
BT 7pm
Sunday March 25th
Wake 6am (clocks changed though so really 5!)
Nap 1pm-2.30pm
BT 8pm
Monday March 26th
Wake 6.40am
Nap 12.40-2.40pm
BT 8pm
Tuesday March 27th
Wake 5am
Nap 12.40-2.40
BT 8pm
Wednesday March 28th
Wake 5am
Nap 10-10.20
Nap 1pm-3pm
BT 7.20pm
Thursday March 29th
Wake 5am
Please can someone give me some suggestions. His behaviour is tantrummy and I'm certain he needs more sleep. I'm not sure whether his days are too long leading to OT, but then I worry about bringing his nap early in case it re-inforces the early wake.
I realise he doesn't have a consistent and good routine, partly because I keep changing things hoping that something will work, and partly because he is looked after by MIL, daycare and me, and I have a 3year old DS1 so he sometimes has to fit in with DS1s activities.
I am happy to have a try at implementing something consistent. The easiest naptime is sometime after lunch (as on Tuesday nursery starts at 1pm).
I don't mind about BT and wWu as long as it doesn't start with a 5! I don't mind about nap length either (as long as he's getting enough sleep!)
DS1 is on a 7-7 routine, but is very good and very flexible and will pretty much sleep 12 hours whenever put to bed. He will also happily play by himself for an hour in the morning (until his clock lights up).
I suppose my dream would be
WU 7am
Nap ?
BT 7.30pm
I don't want BT later than 8.30pm as I like to have time to get things done in the evenings. I'd be happy to start the day at 6am, although closer to 7 the better as he sometimes wakes DS1 in the mornings and that's not ideal.
Please can someone have a look through my diary and make some suggestions?? Is he OT, UT, both..?
What should I try next...?
Thanks xx