Last night during dinner, my 11 month old started to put her fist and fingers in her mouth repeatedly making herself gag. Her eyes were watery and I've never seen her do this, she was gagging herself so I tried to keep her hand out of her mouth and distract her. She continued so I just took her out of the high chair and she stopped doing this. By then she ate a lot of soup which I spoon fed her, and she also ate broccolli and banana as a finger food. Today at lunch time she was only self feeding herself pasta, veggies and then peach and started doing the same so I wanted to finish lunch but my DH said that she is not going to hurt herself and let her be. As soon as he said this she actually vomitted.
I've never heard of babies doing this. Could she be overeating and then feeling sick? I never force feed her and let her decide when she's done. Both times she was in a good mood and didn't seem bothered after she vomitted. Any ideas?