Author Topic: Nearly 8 months, not eating enough?  (Read 1452 times)

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Offline Pandakat

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Nearly 8 months, not eating enough?
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:10:52 am »
Hi all, I'm posting this hoping for some help/advice regarding LO's eating.

He is 98 centile for height, and around 25th for weight, and always has been. At the last visit to our nurse she made me feel awful by basically saying I'm hindering LO's growth because he doesn't eat enough solids.
At this point he was having 4 x 7oz bottles a day and 2/3 meals during the day. The trouble is, he'll eat about 100g a sitting (half a 6+ jar) and the nurse told me he is to be eating about double that amount. She specifically said he's having too much milk and needs more solids.

Since then I've been stressing so much trying to get LO to eat more, but he doesn't seem to want to. He'll eat as much as he wants and then refuse, or cry.
Mostly I feel so bad at the nurse's suggestion that I'm harming LO by not feeding more and it's turned every day into a stress-fest for me, weighing foods to check what he's eaten etc. We're at 3 bottles a day now.

Also to add, he's been crawling/belly crawling since 6 months and is constantly on the move, so I'm guessing he's burning up calories pretty well.

I don't know what to do, and whether I should worry about his weight. Any help? :(

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Nearly 8 months, not eating enough?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 10:26:08 am »

If he's always been on the 25th centile then I don't see the issue?  Your nurse should know that.  The issue is if LOs fall down the curves.  My DD2 is 95 centile for height and between 5th-25th for weight and had been since 4 months and I've always been told that is fine. 
He is absolutely not having too much milk-28oz is bang on for 8 months and milk should make up the most of your LOs diet until 1YO.  I would stick to that amount. 

I'm so sorry your nurse has made you feel that way as I think she is out of line and worrying you unnecesarily.

Have you tried finger foods with your LO? 

TrulyI would not worry, he sounds like he is doing great. Next time I;d just tell your nurse he;s eating 2 jars every meal ;)

Offline Pandakat

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Re: Nearly 8 months, not eating enough?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 11:02:34 am »
Thank you, it's good to hear I'm not an awful mother :|

He'll happily chomp away at just about anything, but just not in the quantities she's asking. He likes finger foods, although at the moment he's more interested in squashing them than actually eating them, but some of it gets eaten.

It's funny, my MIL suggested just telling the nurse what she wanted to hear too, and to carry on as I'm doing.
Perhaps I can worry less now :)

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Re: Nearly 8 months, not eating enough?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 11:06:43 am »
TBH if he's happy and thriving then what more can you do?  You can't force feed him and you certainly don't want to put him under pressure (or you!)

There is a saying 'solids under 1 are just for fun' and that is so true.  Milk is the most important bit of their diet.   They should be having at the very least 20oz of milk at that age but a lot of babies take up to 30oz. 

Mummy's know best!