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2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« on: April 02, 2012, 20:31:14 pm »
I’m going to try and keep it brief. We are in an overtired mess and I don’t know how to fix it because of nap refusals…..My lo is 2 yrs old today! She has always had high sleep needs.

Ideal routine (not had for a while)
Wake 6-6.30                      (if shes still asleep - rare - we have to wake her at 6.30 to be ready to leave on time)
Nap 12.30-1.00 for 2 hours (will wake after 2 hrs)
Bed 7-7.30

Recently she has started refusing her naps or wanting to nap later – say 1.30 - 2.00. I find that if she’s still asleep at 3 she won’t settle at night so I wake her as long as she’s had at least 1 hour. Last week she refused to nap at nursery and at grandparents. She has always slept badly at nursery which is a major issue in her overtiredness but she normally does 45-60 mins at nursery (she only sleeps there twice a week). She normally sleeps very well at grandparents and has to be woken.

Our current day is something like this;

Wake 5-5.30
Nap 1.30-2 – woken at 3
In Bed for 7 – talks to herself up to 8. Latest has been 8.45!!!
Night wakenings from 2 onwards – can sometimes last up to 2 hours – try to settle her, stay with her, or just leave her – nothing seems to work.
I find if I hear her stirring and get to her before she fully wakes I can sometimes shh her back to sleep but if she actually wakes up then we’ve had it. I leave her mumbling, crying out occasionally, change her nappy sometimes but generally leave her unless she really cries.

Currently a good night’s sleep is 8.30 – 5.30…. which is terrible.

I’ve tried putting her down for her nap earlier but she won’t have it – tried at 11.30.
Tried putting her to bed earlier – she talks to herself but then starts to cry and I have to go in and she will only fall asleep if I’m in the room – whereas usually she self settles. But she does go to sleep earlier.

My OH thinks we should drop the nap but I think that would be a disaster. The 2 days when she refused her nap one night she slept throu from 7-6 which was fantastic but the other night she did 6.30 – 2.30, then 4.30 for 45 mins…….

She is teething her 2 yr molars – nothing through yet but I can feel a lump. We do give Paracetamol before bed & I’ve tried dream feeding her – but I either wake her or it doesn’t work! (Not tried Neurofen as she has asthma) She’s started asking for ‘better’ medicine before bath and pointing to the bottle – if I say no then she points in her mouth and say’s ouch…… The little monkey has realised we give it to her when she says ouch so now just asks for it… We’ve gone through a lot of Paracetamol recently.

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m so tired and also 23 wks pregnant.
I feel an absolute failure of a Mum because my daughter still doesn’t sleep at 2 years old. Because she’s so tired we are having major tantrums & behaviour issues  :'(

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 07:28:34 am »
Hugs, have you tried PD for a nap 30 mins later and waking her at the same time, effectively capping the nap at 1.5 hrs? She is around the right age for it. :-\

the molars wont help, have you tried medicating or teething gel before her nap rather than at BT on days you know she is sore to see if it makes her more settled for it?

You are not a failure! Far from it with that lovely routine ;) anyway, we can't make our kids sleep, eat and play how we want them too all the time can we!  x

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 11:19:20 am »
(((Hugs))), swmw.  I am in the same boat.  I agree with Sara on giving meds before naptime to see if she'll nap.  We have been going through this cycle of good sleep and bad sleep for awhile now.  It is the exact same cycle we went through when DS was teething his 1st year molars and canines.  It's awful! When it first started, I was tempted to drop his nap because on *some* nights we got longer nights without the nap, but then it started to spiral out of control with NWs, EWs, no nap, and major daytime tanturms -- he just wasn't getting the sleep he needs. 

I have never had luck with the meds DF, so don't feel bad!

We have been trying to put DS down for his nap a bit later and then tends to help. However, with the EWs we have been having, we sometimes put him down earlier for the nap, so we haven't gotten anything consistent down yet.  I think it's hard when they are teething to stay in the same exact routine from one day to the next. 

We also have been trying to give DS an early BT (which is tricky when they want to nap later).  Some nights he will fall asleep early, other nights he'll just roll around and fall asleep when he usually does.  Sometimes the early BT helps them catch up on sleep and kind of reset things a bit.

I know I'm not much help because I don't have a fix, still looking for one myself! Unfortunately, I think we're going to have to make little tweaks here and there, but wait for these awful molars to make their appearance!

(((Hugs))) - can your OH help you a little at night while this sorts out so you can get some sleep - you must be exhausted with the NWs and being pregnant.  More (((hugs)))
(formerly samsmommy3312010)

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 18:07:11 pm »
Thanks for your replies and hugs. We have done meds before nap time but it doesn't really help her settle any quicker. I just feel like we are giving her meds all the time. Just finished another bottle of Calpol tonight - not had it long!
So I'm trying early BT tonight - just put her down at 6.50 and she currently jumping up and down in her cot (still in a sleeping bag) and counting (counting is a new thing).
Last night she woke at 1.30 and was awake till 4...... Let her lie in till 7.15.
She had a short nap at nursery 1.30-2.20 - they said it took an hour to get her to go to sleep. I know they think we should drop the nap but I'm asking them to stick with it.
I'm just finding it so frustrating that I know she's overtired but she just won't sleep! To be fair OH does go to her too but sometimes it just makes it worse cos she starts screaming for mummy.....
Sorry your going through the same thing Nicole. At least we know we are not alone! I've bought a groclock to try and help with the night wakings but not tried it yet. Just think she might be too young to understand??? Fingers crossed we have a good night tonight? :)

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2012, 23:57:37 pm »
Good luck tonight :-*
counting (counting is a new thing).
Is she doing lots of other new things ATM? She may have just come out of a developmental leap (brain development.) Often these cause a bit of chaos with sleep ;)

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2012, 18:37:50 pm »
Her language has really taken off recently so I know that can affect sleep.
2 question for sleep experts! If we have a long NW I tend to let her lie in (if we can on weekends etc) and wake up later -say 7.30, but then it's even harder to get her to nap that day. Should I be getting up her at the same time each day regardless of what type of night we've had?
Also when I put her down for BT - sometimes she really quiet for 10 mins and you think she's asleep but then she starts talking - and can then talk for over 1 hour. It makes me think back to when they were babies and the 10 min jolt they would have as they moved into a different stage of the cycle. Do they still have that at this age???
Thanks x

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2012, 19:35:42 pm »
R the 10 mns quiet I think she is probably just chilling in her cot, then decided she's not ready to sleep ;)
This can be Ut or OT :-\ ave you tried d for that nap 30 mns later than he usual time? Or capping that nap at 1.5 hrs?

What is her day looking like ATM?

Re the long NW it's hard....personally I let my DS sleep in, but I know he wnt refuse his nap if I offer it slightly later. You may need to wake her while trying to get things back on track.

Ps....I'm no expert Hun, just another mumma :-*

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2012, 18:35:57 pm »
I'm sooo tired and confused
The night I posted we had the best night sleep in months. She slept 7.15-6.30. Fab!
That day I put her down for a nap at 1 and she didn't settle till 1.45. I woke her at 3. (1h15)
Last night I put her down same time 6.50, she fell asleep after 8, woke at 1 - awake till 3, woke at 4.30 am, screamed blue murder when oh went in to settle her. I had to go in and she didn't go back to sleep till 6. With it being a bank holiday I let her lie in and she woke up at 8  :'(
Today she completely refused her nap and I ended up taking her for a drive and she finally fell asleep at 2.30, I let her sleep till 3.30, BT was 7 and it's 7.30 now and she's singing row row your boat in her cot. 
Why does this child not sleep??? She fights it so much. I just don't understand  ???

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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2012, 07:50:16 am »
We had a really wonky sleep phase when DD turned 2 and she was doing pretty much what your are experiencing. We had great nap days, late nap days and messing around til 9/10pm and no nap days. It was definitly related to milestones, teeth and just being 2 I think and it did get better after a while.

We medicated at bedtime and in the middle of the night if she woke if I thought teeth were particularly bothering her and APd to get her to sleep when it was needed (independant sleepers will go back to sleeping independantly if you don't AP for too long). Some nights when she wouldn't settle I took her to my bed and just lay in the dark with her until she got sleepy (she shares a room with her brother). If she refused a nap and had had a good night I gave up and did early bedtime instead as I found she is better on longer sleep at night than a good nap in the day and a broken/ very late night.

HTH a bit!


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Re: 2 yr old OT and refusing naps
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2012, 10:11:47 am »
HI, We also has this one month before and after Olly turned 2. It sorted itself out in the end but we had tp push his nap nap back and cap it at one hour in the end.