Author Topic: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(  (Read 7808 times)

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2012, 15:24:42 pm »
I wasn't as "extreme" ;) but whenever it was mentioned (and to be fair I never had a negative comment) I'd say "yes I guess I'll go and poke my boob thru the fence at school when she's on her lunch break" ;D

Lol Charli. My MIL says that to me all the time! Not in a horrible way at all. We joke all the time about what a boob addict C is! ;D


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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2012, 16:54:10 pm »
I would so be dealing with this if it weren't for E's intolerances.

She still has a cuddle every night where she rubs my chest and snuggles her cheek right against my upper bb. I've had to trade all of my t-shirts in for v neck shirts because she was stretching all the necks of my shirts and ruining them. She now happily unzips my sweater so she can have her bb time and cuddle and I have no intention of breaking that habit for a while. And this started exactly the day I weaned her. One night her nails were too long and scratching and I tried to fend her off and she lifted my shirt and her pj shirt so our bellies could touch and had herself a little giggle because of how clever it was.

Now I don't tell many people she does that because I will passionately defend it. Dh loves that she does it just with me because it's something special and it helps me as I was so sad to quit bfing .

I think if I were in this boat, my response would be "yk, I'm surprised I was able to continue this long and I'm thankful because the WHO now recommends to age two." But I did have people suggest giving up at six months so I know what I would have been in for ::)
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2012, 17:22:47 pm »
DS is 2 and I still BF him - 2 times a day! Only before nap and BT (not to sleep just to relax) and occasionally during a NWing if he is sick/teething.

I am very open about it and have zero shame. If someone does make a negative comment I always say that Health Canada/WHO recommend BFing until 2yrs and beyond. That shuts them up.

I think that most people are actually impressed that we've managed to go so long. It is all DS's doing - I was fine to stop BFing DD when she weaned herself at 16 months. But DS is going strong. I am now starting to feel like I'm ready to wean him so we have been discussing that BFing is really for babies who don't eat with a fork and drink from a cup and that he is a big boy eating really healthy food and drinking milk from a cup. It's starting to sink in for him I think...

Just hold your head high and know that you are doing SUCH a great thing for your LO!! And following top health agencies' advice!!
Mom of 2!! - DD: Dec 31, 2006 & DS: March 6, 2010

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2012, 19:01:04 pm »
I don't know if I just come across as scary or what ;) (I'm not at all!) but I haven't had any negative comments.  No one really asks, but if they do, I'm just honest and say we're still BF and will stop when DD is ready.
*** Amanda ***

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2012, 19:03:40 pm »
Lots of people keep hinting that I should be weaning that BT feed but for LOs of a comparative age to C who have a bottle before bed, nobody suggests that BT bottle should be weaned or given in a cup.
^^THIS!!!! My friends almost 3yr old has a BT botle and its less of an issue than me BF Z at BT at 18 mths old!

I actually tell them I plan on doing it till she starts work....
And will probably meet her in town on her nights out for a quick top up!!

The WHO reccommends BF till 2 years!! And honestly- if it's a bed time feed- in the privacy of your own home- then who cares!!!
I know, and apparently they are looking at changing this to 3 yrs. The problem is just because WHO recommend it doesnt mean it is acceptable to some people. It is actually mainly my MIL family that are asking then looking grossed out. One made a comment she found it gross that she was at a clients and her LO climbed up for a feed at 2 yrs. The thing is
a) I dont do it in public with Z anymore. Hes not interested anyway then!
b) really, disgusting? - No wonder we have so many freaking problems in this world. ::)

Lol Charli!

I guess I never bring it up, but everyone says 'are you still BF Z' - that is the question - which starts the comments. :-\ Ive tried yes (Thats it) but get questions. Ive tried Yes - defend myself in here ie WHO recommendations and it is a bit better, usually get an eye roll though or funny look .
DOnt get me wrong. A ton of people are supportive of it. But its those that arent that stick, and they are starting to get to DH :( He is saying when are you going to wean ...

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2012, 19:41:08 pm »
(((hugs))) I think it is up to you how long you want to feed him, and you should try to just shrug off the negative comments (I know, easier said than done). I fed dd1 until she was 14 months when I was pg with dd2 and then dd2 till 18 months when I fell pg again - I never really had a time frame in mind with either of them, but just kept going until it seemed like the right moment to stop.

I don't really remember getting any particularly negative comments, although I also remember that it didn't really come up. I'm pretty sure that I will be feeding ds for a while to come, not least because he can't have cows milk which limits the options for weaning, and I will probably go with the line that the WHO recommends feeding up to 2 years if I do get comments.

Having said that, my mother is already asking when I am going to wean him, not because she has a problem with extended nursing, but because it is awkward cooking for me without dairy. She thinks that I should get him onto "proper" milk as soon as possible so that I can eat whatever I like, thus completely missing the point of "dairy-free"!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2012, 20:05:53 pm »
(((hugs))) Sara - that's such a shame that you're getting those kind of responses :( And just a shame overall that the benefits of extended bf aren't so widely known yet... I think this is beginning to change in the UK, I hadn't even realised that people went on beyond a year until attending a breastfeeding workshop towards the end of pregnancy, which was the first I'd heard of the benefits. Since having DS, I've met a couple of mums who've continued until there LOs were 4ish, including tandem bf, so I feel lucky to know them as it certainly helps bf-ing for 18mo to not seem long! I look to these mums as great examples for challenging the preconceptions that people have, and although it's not great getting negative comments, maybe you can take some comfort from knowing that you're helping to change people's mindsets on this issue, even if they won't admit it right now? I'm also 'still' bf-ing my 18mo DS but only 1st thing and at BT, so no longer in public (well,I have done recently at the Dr's surgery when DS was v ill with upset stomach and hadn't eaten or slept - I will still bf during the day in those kinds of situations where he probably needs it). But as I said, it doesn't feel strange to me, and the only negative comments I've had have been from my mum (who weaned us all at 9mo), to which I just respond matter-of-factly with the WHO recommendations and say that I don't see the point in stopping just yet. I mean, for all those who don't see the reason for continuing, can they actually give a good reason for stopping?? Surely that's the real question!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2012, 20:19:37 pm »
for all those who don't see the reason for continuing, can they actually give a good reason for stopping??

^^^ This.   I would be very tempted to simply ask why they are so concerned that you stop BFing Z... it's between the two of you and no one else.

Funny that you posted this as I am struggling with the opposite and my DH (a smart boy at times) gave me this bit of advice when I mentioned that I felt it was time to get rid of DD's last two bottles soon (will be 18 months in about 6 weeks)...

"If you were breastfeeding, you wouldn't think anything of it would you?  It's simply because it is a bottle... really no different than a boob."

He has a good point.  Keep on BFing hun and don't worry about anyone else.

I like the idea of mentioning that you might BF him until he starts working :)

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2012, 20:34:31 pm »
I can't believe people get grief for this! Ds self weened at 11 months but I wanted him to have the health benefits of breast milk so pumped for another 1 1/2 months. You ARE lucky to still be doing it. Don't let others taint that!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2012, 21:10:07 pm »
I always get commente on this because I am on elimination diet but am not allergic myself, so it always comes up as part of that conversation. E.g. At work, 'why can't you have the cake/ pie, etc? but you used to.... Oh, you are still nursing.... Ah?!'
I say the WHO 2 year thing and that the formula tastes so foul I have not got the heart to make M drink it. I say if he could have cow milk he may have self weaned earlier. Plus with all the allergies and asthma it is good to have a way to instantly comfort him. Usually people roll their eyes but they have no kids so who cares. Those in my acquaintance either also stil BF same age kids or accept it or may be a bit defensive of their choices, in any case it does not seem to have the sting in it.

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2012, 21:14:06 pm »
Or some people did say that I BF M because he is a boy hinting at some wierdness. I just ignore it. Elza self weaned at 13 months M is taking longer. At least it is a good supply of calcium. Otherwise we'll need supplements. A lady at the nursery was supporrtive and said her 3 y.o. still seems to be comforted jutpst holding on to her boobs before bed (similar to what Shiv said earlier).

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2012, 22:27:46 pm »
"yk, I'm surprised I was able to continue this long and I'm thankful because the WHO now recommends to age two."

THis is nice- as there's oftern a feeling that by saying 'i'm doing it till 2, or the who recommends' etc that if they didn't that they are in some way not doing the best thing for their child- you know, through your actions you are unintentionally indicating that they are wrong...

I hadn't even realised that people went on beyond a year

I wasn't aware either- but even a cursory read of any info tells you otherwise!

Or some people did say that I BF M because he is a boy hinting at some wierdness.

::) Isn't this a sad reflection on our society!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2012, 22:34:50 pm »
I agree Katy, a very sad reflection of our society.

People seem to forget what boobs are really for! Yes, I suppose they have another role too but breast feeding really is the whole point of having them!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2012, 22:44:26 pm »
And while you are breastfeeding that's the only role they do have!! (around here at least!! between the unsexy nursing bras, and the likelihood that i'd start leaking at any provocation it's been feeding babies exclusively!!)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: We have reached that 'age' where BF can be an awkward topic :(
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2012, 23:00:44 pm »
Both mine self-weaned before 18 months, but if anyone had asked me for no real reason at that age, I would probably have said, "Why do you ask?" without actually answering the question. If pressed, I could say that I'm tired of hearing from people that I should/shouldn't be BFing and I'd rather not talk about it, thanks, unless it was a friend I knew would be supportive. It's really nobody's business, when you get right down to it.