Just wanted to add that we had a very hard first week or so with LO1 as he lost lots of weight, 'forgot' how to feed, cried all night, I was in agony etc etc...
Somehow, with a team effort, we went on to BF for 18 months! So you can do it with the right support...a lot of that is simply having people around who don't make unhelpful comments or pressurise you. We were lucky with our MW who held off with 'stressful' comments til after we'd got through it when she told us that she'd been keeping a very close eye and others would have packed us off to hospital where LO would definitely have ended up being formula fed. So chose your allies carefully. It *is* a learning experience and, this time around, I'm telling myself that the first week is all about BFing and nothing else (maybe sleep..). Every feed's a lesson and then, suddenly, it's a breeze.
IRL support is vital. So is preparation: I love the Jack Newman website and the La Leche League's Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is like a telephone directory on the subject. Maybe they'd help/reassure you.
On the DS1 topic, yes, I'm wondering about that too! Mine loves to read so perhaps it'll be snuggle and storybook time. Or colouring, he loves that too. His grandma gave him a train set which we've hidden away to produce as a baby present. I'm also thinking feeds will coincide with our snacks and meals some of the time so that'll make things a bit easier too. I'll be giving him lots of cuddles and kisses so he doesn't think LO2 is getting more of mama than him.