maggie, I think Katy has already given the websites I used for background info. I didn't read the BLW book, but I did do some reading around. The main things I 'armed' myself with were:
- basic first aid (I did a short course for infants, tbh my LO wouldn't settle in the creche provided so I missed most of it, but saw the demo on what to do in a choke situation. They are just as likely to choke on a button or some other object they shouldn't be getting their hands on, but it does help you relax into the whole process if you know the difference between a choke and a gag and the procedure for a choke if you ever needed it)
- the list of foods that shouldn't be given prior to 12 months
- finger food suggestions and recipes (lots on the BW recipes threads even without going further afield)
Although the idea is that baby eats what you eat I found I was suddenly cooking half a dozen times per day and searching for suitable foods. It would have been handy to have had a few things in the freezer that I could have just lifted out but I hadn't prepare that way. Even just a batch of mini fruit pancakes or sweet potato min-muffins would have been a great back up in the early days. it took me a while to get on top of things that way because I just hadn't expected my LO to eat so much so early.
Sue, there's a big growth spurt around 6 months I think, could be you are in the midst of that. I also found the first weeks of BLW my LO took lots of extra milk feeds (bottle fed so I could see exactly how much as well as knowing the frequency increase), rather than the usual 4 he had about 7 or 8 in a day, needing a bottle feed directly after a solids feed even though he had had his fill of milk only an hour before. It did calm down though.
WRT dropping or reducing milk feeds, I think it will become apparent when LO is taking less and it may be time to drop one of the milk feeds (many people drop the afternoon feed first, we dropped the mid morning feed first though as it worked out better that way for us) but that won't be for some time yet. There really isn't a need to purposely increase solids or purposely reduce milk, if LO is offered solids to their fill they will naturally reduce their milk intake over time. You might find this helpful: reminder too that LOs should be offered water (in a cup) with solids meals as solids don't provide the balance of fluid that milk does.
Have fun - I SO enjoyed our BLW.