Author Topic: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11  (Read 91025 times)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #450 on: September 25, 2013, 20:47:18 pm »
Dropping food on the floor - personally I chose to ignore any food that reached the floor, responding and picking up during the meal (IMO) can lead to more dropping as LO learns the reaction and to play with you as you keep returning the food. This learned behaviour (dropping to get back) is very similar to learning to roll or throw a ball with a parent or play mate (giving to receive) but one of them drives us crazy and dirties the floor whilst the other thrills us and makes us smile.
Mine rarely managed to actually get much food to the floor, I offered very few pieces if he was in a dropping phase (moved the plate out of reach and put only one or two bits in front of him) and reacted quickly to stop his hand from dropping it if I saw it about to happen and just popped it back on his plate/tray, or even better I got the plate under the food item as he dropped it and said 'tidy up please. Thank you' and encouraged him to tidy all his bits onto a plate or bowl at the end of each meal.

Yoghurt - is there a reason she needs to have yoghurt if she doesn't like it?  In general we keep offering foods so that LO becomes familiar with it and eventually tries a taste, but you can't force them to eat it and I found some dislikes are long lasting. Mine still doesn't like cauliflower and broccoli I see them as true dislikes because he has been offered them so many times and otherwise eats well, I still offer time to time but always make sure his meal has plenty of things he does like to provide a balanced diet.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #451 on: September 25, 2013, 22:20:40 pm »
So u are saying if she drops anything on the floor I leave it n don't pick up so I don't create a reaction. Then I offer something else n put on her plate? Correct? Yoghurt hmmm bcos she reduces her milk intake to 3 times a day so I thought its good for her to have it. I try giving her a spoon 2/10 she will try to put it in her mouth but mostly it ends up on the floor.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #452 on: September 25, 2013, 22:44:11 pm »
if she drops anything on the floor I leave it n don't pick up so I don't create a reaction. Then I offer something else n put on her plate? Correct?
That's what I did yes.  Once he was finished eating I did the clear up (which wasn't much anyway as I'd caught most of it) so meal time was clearly over.  Even now I don't usually pick up if he drops his cutlery, if he really needs his cutlery and it was clearly an accident then yes I pick up or get a fresh fork or spoon, otherwise it stays on the floor whilst we all eat our dinner (he will use any cutlery he has left or fingers if he has tossed his fork) and gets cleared up at the end.
If your LO is really into dropping things I'd set up an activity away from eating time where it is acceptable to drop items (and for you to pick up as part of the game) because this sort of exploration is totally natural - it's just really frustrating for parents at meal times if it becomes a game for LO.

Mine has never had any proper amount of yoghurt, it makes him refluxy so I only give him a yoghurt dip occasionally.  If her milk intake is low then I can see the need for increasing dairy solids but if her milk is fine (over 24hr) I wouldn't worry.  Cheese and milk puddings also count.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #453 on: September 26, 2013, 03:02:59 am »
Thank you so much for your advise.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #454 on: September 26, 2013, 19:47:55 pm »
Can I give porridge fingers to my 8 month old beginner?  I feel like the oats I got at the store are so big!  Thanks.


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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #455 on: September 26, 2013, 20:33:47 pm »
Are they whole oats? We used steel cut ones. Do you have a food processor you could blitz them in a bit first?
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #456 on: September 26, 2013, 20:37:41 pm »
Yup, porridge fingers are great from 6m (although they might not eat all of it then).  Use normal porridge oats (not quick cook/instant or milled oats), like Quaker ones (maybe only available in the UK ???)

I'm sure the BLW cookbook says they can be done in the oven if you don't have a microwave, but can't remember timings or temperature, but will try to remember to have a look the next time I pass the kitchen.

The great thing with them is that you can up the quantity when they get bigger too, so for each level tablespoon of oats you add a tablespoon of milk.  Now that DD is a lot bigger, I cut it into wedges rather than fingers and DS loves them like that too (he likes his with chocolate sprinkles) :)
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11
« Reply #457 on: September 26, 2013, 21:46:05 pm »
I'm going to lock this thread as it's reached 30 pages. Please carry on the conversation and support here: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!