Hi ladies,
I am here from the baby sleep forums as we got a bit stuck and now he's just over 1 we thought it would be better asking on here and getting some new eyes looking at my problem!
My wee man is 12 months, very spirited and active and has been walking for a few weeks.
He had a lot of sleep issues that we tried and tried to solve using BWing, and in the end with a lot of routine tweaking we managed to get him to be sleeping 6.30 - 5ish with a few wakes that he would sort out by himself. He went down to 1 nap very early on at 11 months as he wasn't tired before 11am and napped a whole lot better on 1 nap.
He goes to bed independently (well, less so lately - he used to be so good at this but now needs patting occasionally. He needs to be SUPER drowsy for naps)
Then he became unwell, got a tooth - and the rest is history. For the last 8 weeks, he has been extremely unhappy in the nights, waking frequently, sometimes writhing (less so now) and really unable to settle by himself OR with me - even if I resort to BFing. If I do feed (we had previously night weaned) he will be down for a few minutes then up again. Sometimes this would stretch to an hour after a feed. In general he wakes within 3 hours of going down (will ONLY settle with a feed) and then every hour at the longest.
I'm desperate for help and would love any input. I think we are at the stage now where he needs Walk in Walk out - as I know when he's teething and he hasn't been, although I've heard some babies are uncomfortable for weeks? He is always happy and easy going through the day though.
His routine is 6.30 awake (crying) 11.30 Nap for 1.5 - 2 hours then 6.30 BT.
Any advice, suggestions, experiences would be so so helpful. Its been weeks of sleepless nights for me and I'm a bit beside myself to get this sorted. I can deal with NWs, just not ones that don't stop!!
Thanks so much :-)