Author Topic: 1 year old with sudden frequent, unsettled NWs that we can't figure out!  (Read 10429 times)

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Offline LouiseV

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Hi ladies,
I am here from the baby sleep forums as we got a bit stuck and now he's just over 1 we thought it would be better asking on here and getting some new eyes looking at my problem!

My wee man is 12 months, very spirited and active and has been walking for a few weeks.

He had a lot of sleep issues that we tried and tried to solve using BWing, and in the end with a lot of routine tweaking we managed to get him to be sleeping 6.30 - 5ish with a few wakes that he would sort out by himself. He went down to 1 nap very early on at 11 months as he wasn't tired before 11am and napped a whole lot better on 1 nap.

He goes to bed independently (well, less so lately - he used to be so good at this but now needs patting occasionally. He needs to be SUPER drowsy for naps)

Then he became unwell, got a tooth - and the rest is history. For the last 8 weeks, he has been extremely unhappy in the nights, waking frequently, sometimes writhing (less so now) and really unable to settle by himself OR with me - even if I resort to BFing. If I do feed (we had previously night weaned) he will be down for a few minutes then up again. Sometimes this would stretch to an hour after a feed. In general he wakes within 3 hours of going down (will ONLY settle with a feed) and then every hour at the longest.

I'm desperate for help and would love any input. I think we are at the stage now where he needs Walk in Walk out - as I know when he's teething and he hasn't been, although I've heard some babies are uncomfortable for weeks? He is always happy and easy going through the day though.

His routine is 6.30 awake (crying) 11.30 Nap for 1.5 - 2 hours then 6.30 BT.

Any advice, suggestions, experiences would be so so helpful. Its been weeks of sleepless nights for me and I'm a bit beside myself to get this sorted. I can deal with NWs, just not ones that don't stop!!

Thanks so much :-)
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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Hi there,
Sorry things are rough.
It does sound like the NWings are discomfort related. Have you tried meds to see if they help?
WIWO would be your best option for helping him with the independent sleep. I tend to not recommend if lo is teething but as long as they are not in pain it is fine.
If you are going to use WIWO I would not feed in the night. I know that is probably not what you want to hear but it will only confuse him if some wakes you do WIWO and some you feed.
Is he eating ok in the day??
Now this might sound strange but do you think he needs more A time either before or after the nap?? Does he go down for bed ok? I am just thinking that at this age you might consider 5.5 after a good 2 hour nap. Just something to think about as his day is actually quite short i.e. 10 hours.

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline babybarr

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Completely agree with Becky.  I thought discomfort especially for so frequent wakes.

I would try a 7pm bedtime after a 2hr nap and see what happens.

Offline LouiseV

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THanks you guys!
Yes will definitely try a later BT - I do tend to push it out a bit after a long nap but things havent really changed (but I;ll try it for a week or so)

Pain meds don't seem to make a big difference :(

I'm all for not feeding in the night. I had him night weaned until this all fell apart - I'm more than open to that!!

I did wonder, as I weaned him during the day at the same time. (so just the BT feed - he eats really well. I gave him 2 bottles too) I have re-introduced a BF in the am in case he was missing that and knew I'd be easier to convince in the night....!!?!?

Definitely teething today - I can see it cutting and bleeding so I guess I shoudl hold off again....
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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do you use nurofen? i have found that is all that works for M when she is teething badly xx

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline LouiseV

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Yeah I have tried that, it didnt seem to help. Once I thought it did but never again. I think part of the teething thing is the uncomfortable feeling that can't be blocked by painkillers sadly :(

Went down at 7 last night instead - but was awake by 7.30! Must be teeth / cold.....wish those things would disappear so I can really crack down on whats been going on! He was up every half hour last night even with paracetimol. The GP has cleared his ears etc so I have no idea why he'd be so unsettled.....

First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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ok well it does sound like pain but it sucks that meds do not help!

I find paracetamol does nothing here for teeth.

Is he eating ok in the day??

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline LouiseV

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He eats well- not huge amounts and I re-introduced a mid morning BF to try and prepare us for when I remove all BFs at night (so I know he's getting not only the calories but the time with me BFing which he still loves)

At night he seems really sensitive to wet nappies I've noticed. I've had to start changing him around 3am as his nappy's full from the constant feeding and sometimes leaking. Double-diapering doesnt seem to help as he can still feel the bulkiness. Argh .Any thoughts on that?
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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I do think in all honesty that you need to wean the NF's...he should not really need them at 1.
With DS I just used 2 pampers baby dry nappies and that worked well - not sure what else to suggest...
How was last night??

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline LouiseV

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Oh those NFs are 100% comfort feeds!! Which was ok when he was really sick - but hes coming right now and I just dont want to go back ther again once I do it this time.

DO you think I should start with PUPD (even if teething????????????? is it ok to do this then? I mean, hes going to be teething for AGES isnt he....and he has pamol on board and I can top that up while training....?)

Maybe switch to walk in walk out if this isnt working?

Need to make a plan before I change anything as Im determined - I know I need to get this right and do it asap as I think my body's really suffering from the lack of sleep (periods stopping, hair falling out....its terrible!!!)

I'm ok, I cant wait to do this :-)
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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At this age I would do WIWO - are you familiar with it?

If he is teething it is tricky. I think you need to make sure he is not in pain but you say you are giving meds so that should be fine.


Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline LouiseV

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I'm not really familiar with it - I kinda get the gist but I dont feel confident enough in what to do to get through a night of it
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline CCCmom27

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Tagging along as we are in the same boat.  Do you have help at night LouiseV?  I couldn't function the next day without my DH's help sometimes!  I'm wondering if ours is reflux pain since we weaned meds a few weeks ago.  Want to hear more about WIWO for when i know he's not in pain....

Offline LouiseV

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OK, here is what I'm planning. Any eyes on it and thoughts about it would be SO appreciated. I'm going to be consistent no matter how hard it is.

He went to sleep in about 15 minutes tonight by 7 (used to fall asleep by himself, now won't). He protested and cried a bit, but I just kept checking in and then laid a hand on him and that settled him and he fell asleep. So, I will keep this up and try and get that hand removal happening as fast as we can.

He usually wakes around 10-11 and I'd feed him (after he was sick I gave in). He still has a SLIGHTLY runny nose which ends up all over his face distressing him when he's crying so I might have to wipe it for him. No feeding, no picking up unless we have to (quickly). He is staying in his cot and I'll stay with him until he;s asleep (yes? no? he wasnt an independant sleeper for long at all before the wheels fell off)

He will keep waking every hour after that from experience - so I'll keep it up.

Around 3/4 I'd let him come to bed with me and he KNOWS it. THis will be the hardest NW to deal with because he points at the door and gets really really sad.

I can't see him going back to sleep after this - he never has when we've tried this in the past.

I will let him feed around 5.30am at this stage.

OK, thoughts? suggestions? changes? Im open to ANYTHING

Thanks everyone :-)
First baby boy born March 2011 :)

Offline *Becky*

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I have posted the link for GW and WIWO. It would be worth reading it through to see but it sounds like you want to follow more of a GW approach. This is fine of course.

I will try and get some more eyes for you if you do decide GW as I have not used it with either of mine.

Good luck hun xx

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!