Thanks everyone
He's doing are well now, though a bit challenging behaviourally with no nap
Aside from that though, he's been fine. A bit stuffed up and a slight cough, but he's been fighting a cold for a week so likely not related (or at least not completely). Because he couldn't nap we met my girlfriend and her 10mo at the zoo and walked around looking at the animals, and now we're about to do an early bedtime (usually he doesn't go down for an hour or so).
Is it any kind of improvement from his last reaction?
Not really... His initial reaction at 6mo was hives, and then around 2yo he ate some pepperoni at daycare that was 'may contain traces' and vomited like crazy for a couple hours (but we didn't know if it was the pepperoni or a stomach bug at the time, yk?) Now we have no hives, but breathing involvement and vomiting. And all with a negative immunocap!
When will they do it again now? How does it work? Is it every year?
We actually have an appointment in 3mo to redo skin tests and *possibly* try baked milk - like me making a known safe cookie recipe and using cows milk in it. I don't know if I want to do that (it's really for my convenience if that makes any sense, if he can eat may contain or cooked milk)... It seems a lot to put him through so I can buy processed crap without reading the ingredients as closely