Hi, I am needing help with my 7 month old DD (7 month and a few days). She is EBF and is now eating solids (is not enjoying solids and eats small amounts). She has always woken up during the night but recently - last month, it is happening more and more. She goes to bed at 7:30 OSHA d is held until sleepy and then laid down and patted on the back. She might stir a few times up until 10:00 (dummy fallen out or startled by a noise. Sometimes I will DF between 10:00 and 11:00 (but sometimes she doesn't accept it). She then might wake up at 11:00 then again between 1:00 and 3:00 a few times or once. Then at 3:00 and recently awake at 4:00 or 5:00 ish and fully awake(takes up to 40 min of holding - ignoring and not talking to get her back to sleep. I then tend to put her in ourbed as shattered then.
Would love some help, I don't mind being woken by her as she is a baby and this is all part of being a parent, I just want her to have a good solid sleep. Plus everyone else who has babies keep going on about how their babies sleep through the night, this doesn't bother me but it does bother my husband. Plus husband snores which can disturb her if she is stirring - now causing problems as I'm waking him to stop and he is getting miserable. Any help would be great