Author Topic: 6mo cannot sleep, please help!  (Read 1171 times)

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Offline chesterella

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6mo cannot sleep, please help!
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:27:14 pm »
Hello again
So I am totally at a loss and losing my mind. LO has just turned 6 months and has yet to get a good nights sleep out of him. He has been a reflux-y mess since birth but we have had it under control for the last 6 weeks with his PPI. His EASY doesn't look terrible to me but I guess is not working for him and I'm DYING to get him to sleep! Here is his EASY
Wake 8
E 8:30 solids and 5 oz bottle
A 8-10
S 10-10:45 (I have NEVER been able to get him to do a longer nap at this time. I'm beginning to think that this is what is killing our day routine because it throws his EASY off)
E 12 solids and 5 oz bottle
A 10:45 - 12:45
S 12:45 - 3???ish
E 4 solids and bottle
A 3-5
S 5-5:45
E 8
S Bedtime

Now Bedtime is crazy because he is up and down trying to get him to sleep until 10:30-11ish. He is constantly grunting, crying, screaming, pulling his hair, scratching his head, you name it! I was giving him fruits and veggies but his gas was so incredible that I took them all out and now he just has the cereal, either rice, oats, or multigrain.
His EASY is thrown way off by his short nap in the morning. I know that he is ready for it because he does fall asleep pretty easily with 2 hours of A time. Should he be having more A time?
During the night, although he wakes up ALLLLLLLL NIGHT LONG (I'm talking every 45 minutes!), he only gets a bottle at 12:30-1am, and 5am.
Please help me figure this out. I have totally had it with this and I'm not sure where to start.

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 6mo cannot sleep, please help!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 18:50:48 pm »
Are you sure he is not gassy anymore? Rice can cause gas as well. Does have good wet and dirty nappies?
Do you think that at BT he is in discomfort or just frustrated from not falling asleep or not being tired enough?
How is he behaving when he wakes up at night every 45min, cranky or chatty and hard to settle back to sleep?

I actually think that if NW are so frequent then it's either pain or hunger. I would go and see you ped. just to be sure that it's not pain.
There is a GS at 6m, that might be what is causing him to wake up so often, or was it like this always?

If he is not in pain then I agree that he might be ready for some more A time, especially before his first nap and maybe start and think of dropping the CN. When increasing A time you up it by 10-15min every 3-4 days to give him this time to get used to the new A and to prevent OT. After 4 days if you still get a 45min nap in the AM then you can up it again.
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Offline becj86

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Re: 6mo cannot sleep, please help!
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 21:35:11 pm »
The reflux meds are weight-dependent, so if he's grown, he may need an increase in meds and that frequency of waking does point to pain/hunger as Ima says.

I also think 2hr is probably too short an A time at 6 months - some babies sleep out of habit and need pushing to increase their A times. 2hr is typical at 4 months and by 6 months, babies tend to be doing more like 2.5-3hr A times. This is prime time for extending A times and dropping the catnap.

Offline chesterella

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Re: 6mo cannot sleep, please help!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 12:38:22 pm »
Ima - he certainly is gassy but I feel that I have done everything to relieve it....? I'm not sure how to sleep train if he is always uncomfortable. One thing that I started doing is going in his room at exactly 30 minutes after he falls asleep and hold him through the 45 minute mark, which works! He gets through the transition and sleeps for another hour. Just for his naps though.
He has always been like this, I am starting to lose faith that this baby will EVER sleep. His gas and reflux has been such a killer I really don't know when this will ever end. I wish someone could give me a definate date or something :) but I know thats not possible. Since he was a newborn the doctors said it would clear up at 3 months (colic), at 4 months (maturing digesting system), at 6 months, at 8 months (they sit up more) but he has never gotten any better, just worse spurts.
I will increase his A time. I hope that his longer naps will help him at night. Does it usually take about a week to kick in if it is going to help?

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 6mo cannot sleep, please help!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 16:03:49 pm »
You actually can't sleep train if LO is in any discomfort.
Have you asked for a second opinion or changed your ped., maybe? Some docs just don't get how bad Reflux is.
Do you know our Reflux board? there are many mommies there who are going through the same thing.
Sorry that I am not much of a help, but really discomfort needs to be addressed first.
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