Ladies, ladies, ladies...
So - I think Autumn maybe teething again. I wonder if this has been the bother! Last night she was up again - this time at 2.45am and when I got her out of the cot to calm her she was eating my chin.
Still difficult to get to the source of the issue. Thought maybe NW/NF's were better with no CN days but yesterday was one of them and it was a 9.00, 10.30 and 2.45 with 5.30 extravaganza.
When she's feeding at the moment she hardly takes any. She seems really hungry then gets on and is on and off and on and off. She has bitten me a few times too. I have tried to just up the feeds again today to see if this helps fill her for tonight but I am still confused as to whether she is just so easily distracted or getting distracted easily because actually - she's just uncomfortable!!! DH noticed she's lil miss red cheek again at times. I've noticed she is doing this weird new thing on one side of her mouth with her fingers and she is doing a strange grunt cough type thing all the time!
Maybe she is waking hungry because either she's not getting enough in the day because it hurts her or is getting so distracted? (PLEASE ADVICE WELCOME!!!!) Or is waking for a feed out of comfort like she did with her last teeth!
Does this sound like teething to anyone? She has been spitting up alot of acidy stuff too... Clear smelly. Summary - seems like she wants to feed all the time but when she does she is very half hearted about it. I know it was only a few weeks ago with the last teeth - similarities and some differences this time.
You know when you're so tired you know you should know what it was like a couple of weeks back but so much has been going through your mind you just go into *HUH?!* mode?
*Puts hand up!*
Anyway - sorry to go on and on AGAIN but a few thoughts or words of advice regarding the popping on and off would be great! (P.S. I am doing two sided feeding again atm as I am feeding so often but she is so on-off-on...)