Hey everyone!
I thought I'd give a week or so and see what happened with the solids. So we introduced solids and he took to them very very well! We started about 2.5 weeks ago and he's up to 2 solid meals per day, lunch and dinner. And last night he slept very well, down around 7, DF at 1030, didn't hear him again until 330, then he was up a few times before W/U at 645 (vast improvement!).
We also upped his day bottles to 7 oz (supplemented with formula in the end). Last weekend I tried giving 2 oz formula after the BF and he took it! I was amazed...he never had pure formula before but he didn't refuse...so he must have been hungry.

I feel it's really the solids that have made a huge difference. Have had a few issues with a touch of constipation, so we're being careful to keep the fruits going in.
Our easy today:
E 645 (BF both sides, I'm very full in the morning)
A 7-9 (2 hr)
S 9-1035 (1.5 hr)
A 1035-11
E 11 (7 oz)
A 1130-1 (2.5 hr inc time before E)
S 1-230 (1.5 hr)
E 250 (oatmeal & banana)
A 300-330
E 330 (7 oz)
A 345-5 (2 hr)
S 5-545 (45 min)
A 545-615
E 615 (oatmeal & sweet potato)
A 630-715
E 715 BF both sides
S 745
DF btw 10-11
So...I am wondering how to manage the feeds better. I have to rely on the nanny during the day, who is PRETTY good at taking direction from me, but she keeps wanting to give him his solids and his bottles together. I keep telling her to stagger them, but then we had the solids RIGHT BEFORE a bottle today. I came home around the end of the bottle and he had a big big spit up. He was actually refusing the end of the bottle (unheard of for this hungry boy). I didn't figure it out til I looked at the schedule.
My question is how to tweak the solids and bottles so that he isn't getting the meals on top of each other. He is hungry, like I said. Last night at dinner, he had 2.5 oz of sweet potatoes, 2.5 ounces of carrots AND probably 2-3 ounces of oatmeal on top (he does eat rice cereal too, we just started the oatmeal though so I think he's having it with every meal because we are excited to have a different grain). I was a little nervous about feeding him so much but he opened his mouth every time...even getting impatient! He's a big kid, and he did just go through a growth spurt, but I'm not going to overfeed him right? I definitely want him to continue sleeping this well, but it seems like I'm feeding him all the time (and not paying attention to any of his hunger cues, though he NEVER refuses solids or bottle). I've kept to the 4 hr feeds with the milk...I'm very open to suggestions on where to tweak things.
Also, now that he seems to be doing so well on the solids, can I drop back down to 6 oz pure breast milk in the bottles during the day? Should I not? I just...don't like smelling formula on him. :s I can get used to it if this is the way it needs to be BUT I guess...I was under the assumption that he shouldn't really need more than I can make. I don't think my production has revved up that much. But...I guess I can't argue with a baby who is now sleeping and previously wasn't really.
One other thing. DS is 5.5 months and lately my breasts don't feel...so full. They seem soft. In the mornings they definitely feel really full, but I just don't feel like they have as much in there (this morning I pumped 5 oz and they didn't feel that full). I guess, is this a normal thing to happen to the breasts after you've been breastfeeding this long?
Thanks so much!